Class AvatarManagerImpl

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.avatar.AvatarManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AvatarManagerImpl
extends Object
implements AvatarManager

Manager for Avatars.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.avatar.AvatarManager
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.avatar.AvatarManager
Constructor Summary
AvatarManagerImpl(AvatarStore store, JiraHome jiraHome, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, PermissionManager permissionManager)
Method Summary
 Avatar create(Avatar avatar)
          Creates a database record for the given avatar.
 Avatar create(Avatar avatar, InputStream imageData, Selection croppingSelection)
          Creates a database record for the given avatar and uses the content of the InputStream as the image.
 boolean delete(Long avatarId)
          Delete the avatar with the given id and the file on disk.
 boolean delete(Long avatarId, boolean alsoDeleteAvatarFile)
          Delete the avatar with the given id.
 List<Avatar> getAllSystemAvatars(Avatar.Type type)
          Provides a list of all system avatars.
 Long getAnonymousAvatarId()
          Gets the avatar id to use to represent an unknown or anonymous user
 File getAvatarBaseDirectory()
          Returns the directory for storing avatars.
 Avatar getById(Long avatarId)
          Retrieve the avatar with the given id.
 List<Avatar> getCustomAvatarsForOwner(Avatar.Type type, String ownerId)
          Provides a list of all avatars that are of the given type which have the given owner.
 Long getDefaultAvatarId(Avatar.Type ofType)
          Gets the default avatar for the given type.
 boolean hasPermissionToEdit(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, Avatar.Type type, String ownerId)
          Determines if the remoteUser provided has permission to edit avatars of a certain type for the owner provided.
 boolean hasPermissionToView(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, Avatar.Type type, String ownerId)
          Determines if the remoteUser provided has permission to view avatars of a certain type for the owner provided.
 boolean isAvatarOwner(Avatar avatar, String owner)
          Tells whether the given avatar is owned by the given owner.
 void readAvatarData(Avatar avatar, AvatarManager.ImageSize size, Consumer<InputStream> dataAccessor)
          Provides read-only access to the data of the avatar image as an InputStream passed to the provided dataProcessor.
 void update(Avatar avatar)
          Saves the avatar as an updated version of the avatar with the same id that is already in the database.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AvatarManagerImpl(AvatarStore store,
                         JiraHome jiraHome,
                         ApplicationProperties applicationProperties,
                         PermissionManager permissionManager)
Method Detail


public Avatar getById(Long avatarId)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Retrieve the avatar with the given id.

Specified by:
getById in interface AvatarManager
avatarId - must not be null.
the Avatar if there is one or null if not.


public boolean delete(Long avatarId)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Delete the avatar with the given id and the file on disk.

Specified by:
delete in interface AvatarManager
avatarId - must not be null.
true only if there was an avatar with the given id which was deleted.


public boolean delete(Long avatarId,
                      boolean alsoDeleteAvatarFile)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Delete the avatar with the given id.

Specified by:
delete in interface AvatarManager
avatarId - must not be null.
alsoDeleteAvatarFile - if false, the avatar file will be left on disk.
true only if there was an avatar with the given id which was deleted.


public void update(Avatar avatar)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Saves the avatar as an updated version of the avatar with the same id that is already in the database.

Specified by:
update in interface AvatarManager
avatar - must not be null.


public Avatar create(Avatar avatar)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Creates a database record for the given avatar. Use the return value as the persistent avatar, not the one you passed in.

Specified by:
create in interface AvatarManager
avatar - must not be null, must have a null id.
the created avatar which has an assigned id.


public Avatar create(Avatar avatar,
                     InputStream imageData,
                     Selection croppingSelection)
              throws DataAccessException,
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Creates a database record for the given avatar and uses the content of the InputStream as the image. Use the return value as the persistent avatar, not the one you passed in.

Specified by:
create in interface AvatarManager
avatar - must not be null, must have a null id.
imageData - the data of the original avatar image.
croppingSelection - the cropping selection for the image or null to take whole image.
the created avatar which has an assigned id.
DataAccessException - if there is a back-end database problem.


public File getAvatarBaseDirectory()
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Returns the directory for storing avatars.

Specified by:
getAvatarBaseDirectory in interface AvatarManager
the directory.


public List<Avatar> getAllSystemAvatars(Avatar.Type type)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Provides a list of all system avatars.

Specified by:
getAllSystemAvatars in interface AvatarManager
type - The type of system avatars to return
the system avatars.


public List<Avatar> getCustomAvatarsForOwner(Avatar.Type type,
                                             String ownerId)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Provides a list of all avatars that are of the given type which have the given owner.

Specified by:
getCustomAvatarsForOwner in interface AvatarManager
type - the desired type of the avatars to retrieve.
ownerId - the id of the owner, matches the type.
all the avatars that have the given type and owner, never null.


public boolean isAvatarOwner(Avatar avatar,
                             String owner)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Tells whether the given avatar is owned by the given owner.

Specified by:
isAvatarOwner in interface AvatarManager
avatar - the avatar to check, must not be null.
owner - the owner to check, must not be null.
true only if the given owner is the owner of the given avatar.


public void readAvatarData(Avatar avatar,
                           AvatarManager.ImageSize size,
                           Consumer<InputStream> dataAccessor)
                    throws IOException
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Provides read-only access to the data of the avatar image as an InputStream passed to the provided dataProcessor. The InputStream is closed after the dataProcessor completes. The dataProcessor is immediately invoked on the data for the avatar.

Specified by:
readAvatarData in interface AvatarManager
avatar - the avatar for which the data is to be processed.
size - the size to return for this avatar
dataAccessor - something to read the data.
IOException - if an IOException occurs in the dataProcessor or in acquiring the InputStream for the avatar.


public Long getDefaultAvatarId(Avatar.Type ofType)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Gets the default avatar for the given type.

Specified by:
getDefaultAvatarId in interface AvatarManager
ofType - the Avatar type.
the default Avatar.


public Long getAnonymousAvatarId()
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Gets the avatar id to use to represent an unknown or anonymous user

Specified by:
getAnonymousAvatarId in interface AvatarManager
the avatar id for an anonymous user


public boolean hasPermissionToView(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                   Avatar.Type type,
                                   String ownerId)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Determines if the remoteUser provided has permission to view avatars of a certain type for the owner provided. For project avatars, this method checks that the user is either and admin, project admin or has browse permission for the owner project. For user avatars, the method checks that the remoteUser has use permission for JIRA or the remoteUser and avatar owner are the same person

Specified by:
hasPermissionToView in interface AvatarManager
remoteUser - The remote user trying to view an avatar
type - The type of avatar
ownerId - The owner id of the avatar being viewed
true if the remote user has permission to view avatars owned by the owner provided.


public boolean hasPermissionToEdit(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                   Avatar.Type type,
                                   String ownerId)
Description copied from interface: AvatarManager
Determines if the remoteUser provided has permission to edit avatars of a certain type for the owner provided. For project avatars, this method checks that the user is either and admin or project admin for the owner project. For user avatars, the method checks that the remoteUser has admin permissions for JIRA or the remoteUser and avatar owner are the same person. If external user management is enabled this method returns false

Specified by:
hasPermissionToEdit in interface AvatarManager
remoteUser - The remote user trying to edit an avatar
type - The type of avatar
ownerId - The owner id of the avatar being edited
true if the remote user has permission to edit avatars owned by the owner provided.

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