
Interface Summary
InitialiseSystemProperties Used to initialise system properties for func tests.
Log4JHackery We want to change our Log4j settings during func tests runs to get rid of a lot of the repetitive cruft that makes it hard to see real failures.

Class Summary
ApplicationPropertiesBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate ApplicationProperties as part of setup for tests.
DarkFeaturesBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Dark Features as part of setup for tests.
DataImportBackdoor Use this backdoor to import data.
DataImportBean Bean used to hold POST requests for the DataImportBackdoor.
I18nBackdoor Use this backdoor to gain access to the translation for an i18n key.
JiraConcurrentRequestsInfo Provide some info to the selenium tests about the number of concurrent requests This resource has the advantage that it doesn't trigger the loading of other resources (e.g.
JiraConfigInfo Provides information about JIRA instance configuration.
JiraSetupResource Resource for setting up and restoring data in func tests.
LogAccess Allows access
MailServersBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Mail Servers as part of setup for tests.
PermissionsBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Permissions as part of setup for tests.
PermissionSchemesBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Permission Schemes as part of setup for tests.
ProjectBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Projects as part of setup for tests.
SearchRequestBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate SearchRequests as part of setup for tests.
SearchRequestBean Stores state for a SearchRequest representation being passed via REST.
UserProfileBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate User Profiles as part of setup for tests.
UsersAndGroupsBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Users and Groups as part of setup for tests NOT specfically testing the Admin UI.

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