
Interface Summary
SearchHandlerFactory Factory to create SearchHandler instances.

Class Summary
AffectedVersionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the Affects version clause.
AssigneeSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the AssigneeSystemField.
CommentSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the comments clause.
ComponentSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ComponentsSystemField.
CreatedDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the created date clause.
DescriptionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the description field.
DueDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the Due Date field.
EnvironmentSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the description field.
FixForVersionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the "Fix For" field.
IssueTypeSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the IssueTypeSystemField.
LabelsSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the labels field.
PrioritySearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the PrioritySystemField.
ProjectSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ProjectSystemField.
ReporterSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ReporterSystemField.
ResolutionDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ResolutionDateSystemField.
ResolutionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ResolutionDateSystemField.
SimpleSearchHandlerFactory Creates a SearchHandler for fields that have a single IssueSearcher that in turn has a single ClauseHandler.
StatusSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the StatusSearchHandlerFactory.
SummarySearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the SummarySearchHandlerFactory.
UpdatedDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the UpdatedDateSearchHandlerFactory.
WorkRatioSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the work ratio clause.

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