
Interface Summary
XsrfDefaults This represents the default values from jira-application properties for controlling XSRF
XsrfTokenGenerator Interface for generating anti-XSRF tokens for web forms.

Class Summary
SimpleXsrfTokenGenerator Simple implementation of XsrfTokenGenerator that stores a unique value in the session.
XsrfActionInvocationChecker This class will check that a Action has been invoked with the right XSRF token if it is marked as being required
XsrfDefaultsImpl An implementation of XsrfDefaults
XsrfErrorAction This action is synthetically created and pushed onto the webwork stack when an XSRF action is encountered.
XsrfTokenAdditionRequestFilter This request Filter will set a XSRF token into the session IF there is a user AND they dont already have a token.
XsrfVulnerabilityDetectionSQLInterceptor SQL Interceptor that detects changes to the database that aren't xsrf protected

Exception Summary
XsrfFailureException This is thrown when an Action request fails an XSRF check

Annotation Types Summary
RequiresXsrfCheck The annotation used to indicate that a method needs XSRF protection checking

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