Uses of Class

Packages that use NotNull

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira with annotations of type NotNull
 boolean JiraDataType.matches(JiraDataType otherType)
          Determines if this type matches the passed in other JiraDataType.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.avatar

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.avatar with annotations of type NotNull
 Avatar AvatarManager.create(Avatar avatar)
          Creates a database record for the given avatar.
 Avatar AvatarManager.create(Avatar avatar, InputStream image, Selection selection)
          Creates a database record for the given avatar and uses the content of the InputStream as the image.
 List<Avatar> AvatarManager.getAllSystemAvatars()
          Provides a list of all system avatars.
 File AvatarManager.getAvatarBaseDirectory()
          Returns the directory for storing avatars.
 Avatar.Type Avatar.getAvatarType()
          The type of Avatar.
 String Avatar.getContentType()
          The MIME type of the avatar image file.
 String AvatarImpl.getContentType()
 List<Avatar> AvatarManager.getCustomAvatarsForOwner(Avatar.Type type, String ownerId)
          Provides a list of all avatars that are of the given type which have the given owner.
 Long AvatarManager.getDefaultAvatarId(Avatar.Type ofType)
          Gets the default avatar for the given type.
 String Avatar.getFileName()
          The base filename to the avatar image file.
 String Avatar.getOwner()
          A String representation of the identity of the domain object that this avatar is an avatar for! For example, if it is a user avatar, it would be the username (since that is the primary key), for a Project it is the project ID as a String.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.config.util

Constructor parameters in com.atlassian.jira.config.util with annotations of type NotNull
IndexWriterConfiguration.PropertiesAdaptor(ApplicationProperties properties)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.index

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.index with annotations of type NotNull
 org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer Configuration.getAnalyzer()
 Index Index.Manager.getIndex()
          Get the current IndexConnection this manager holds. Index.Manager.getSearcher()
          Get the current IndexSearcher from the Index.
 IndexWriterConfiguration.WriterSettings Configuration.getWriterSettings(Index.UpdateMode mode)
 Index.Result Index.perform(Index.Operation operation)
          Perform an Index.Operation on the index.

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.index with annotations of type NotNull
 CompositeResultBuilder CompositeResultBuilder.add(Index.Result result)
 CompositeResultBuilder CompositeResultBuilder.addCompletionTask(Runnable runnable)
static Index.Manager Indexes.createQueuedIndexManager(String name, Configuration config)
          Creates an index where the index operations are placed on a queue and the actual work is done on a background thread.
static Index.Manager Indexes.createQueuedIndexManager(String name, Configuration config)
          Creates an index where the index operations are placed on a queue and the actual work is done on a background thread.
static Index.Manager Indexes.createSimpleIndexManager(Configuration config)
          Creates an index where the index operation work is done in the calling thread.
static Index.Operation Operations.newCreate(Collection<org.apache.lucene.document.Document> documents, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newCreate(Collection<org.apache.lucene.document.Document> documents, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newCreate(org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newCreate(org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newDelete(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newDelete(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newUpdate(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, Collection<org.apache.lucene.document.Document> documents, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newUpdate(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, Collection<org.apache.lucene.document.Document> documents, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newUpdate(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, Collection<org.apache.lucene.document.Document> documents, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newUpdate(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newUpdate(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, Index.UpdateMode mode)
static Index.Operation Operations.newUpdate(org.apache.lucene.index.Term term, org.apache.lucene.document.Document document, Index.UpdateMode mode)
 Index.Result Index.perform(Index.Operation operation)
          Perform an Index.Operation on the index.

Constructor parameters in com.atlassian.jira.index with annotations of type NotNull
DefaultConfiguration( directory, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
DefaultConfiguration( directory, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
DefaultConfiguration( directory, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer, IndexWriterConfiguration writerConfiguration)
DefaultConfiguration( directory, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer, IndexWriterConfiguration writerConfiguration)
DefaultConfiguration( directory, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer, IndexWriterConfiguration writerConfiguration)
FutureResult(Future<Index.Result> future)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.manager

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.manager with annotations of type NotNull
 Collection<IssueType> IssueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForDefaultScheme()
          Return the collection of issue types associated with the default scheme.
 Collection IssueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
          Deprecated. Use of GenericValue is discouraged. Deprecated since: 3.9. Use IssueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(Project) instead.
 Collection<IssueType> IssueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(Project project)
          Return the collection of issue types associated with this project
 Collection<IssueType> IssueTypeSchemeManager.getNonSubTaskIssueTypesForProject(Project project)
          Return the collection of issue types other than sub-tasks associated with this project.
 Collection<IssueType> IssueTypeSchemeManager.getSubTaskIssueTypesForProject(Project project)
          Return the collection of sub-task issue types associated with this project Join of the result of this method and IssueTypeSchemeManager.getNonSubTaskIssueTypesForProject(com.atlassian.jira.project.Project) produces the same result as a call to IssueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(com.atlassian.jira.project.Project).

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.manager with annotations of type NotNull
 Collection<IssueType> IssueTypeSchemeManager.getSubTaskIssueTypesForProject(Project project)
          Return the collection of sub-task issue types associated with this project Join of the result of this method and IssueTypeSchemeManager.getNonSubTaskIssueTypesForProject(com.atlassian.jira.project.Project) produces the same result as a call to IssueTypeSchemeManager.getIssueTypesForProject(com.atlassian.jira.project.Project).

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.issue.index

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.issue.index with annotations of type NotNull
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.deindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.deindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.deindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Delete any existing documents for the supplied issues.
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.deindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Delete any existing documents for the supplied issues.
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.indexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.indexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.indexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Add documents for the supplied issues.
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.indexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Add documents for the supplied issues.
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.indexIssuesBatchMode(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          No other index operations should be called while this method is being called
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.indexIssuesBatchMode(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          No other index operations should be called while this method is being called
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.indexIssuesBatchMode(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Index the given issues, use whatever is in your arsenal to do it as FAST as possible.
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.indexIssuesBatchMode(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Index the given issues, use whatever is in your arsenal to do it as FAST as possible.
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.reindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
 Index.Result DefaultIssueIndexer.reindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.reindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Re-index the given issues, delete any existing documents and add new ones.
 Index.Result IssueIndexer.reindexIssues(EnclosedIterable<Issue> issues, Context context)
          Re-index the given issues, delete any existing documents and add new ones.
 void IndexDirectoryFactory.setIndexingMode(IndexDirectoryFactory.Mode mode)
          Sets the Indexing Mode - one of either DIRECT or QUEUED.

Constructor parameters in com.atlassian.jira.issue.index with annotations of type NotNull
DefaultCommentRetriever(CommentManager commentManager)
DefaultIssueIndexer(IndexDirectoryFactory indexDirectoryFactory, DefaultIssueIndexer.CommentRetriever commentRetriever)
DefaultIssueIndexer(IndexDirectoryFactory indexDirectoryFactory, DefaultIssueIndexer.CommentRetriever commentRetriever)
IndexDirectoryFactory.IndexPathAdapter(IndexPathManager indexPathManager, IndexWriterConfiguration writerConfiguration)

Uses of NotNull in

Methods in with annotations of type NotNull
 Query SearchRequest.getQuery()
          Gets the SearchQuery that defines the search that will be performed for this SearchRequest.

Method parameters in with annotations of type NotNull
 SearchRequest SearchRequestStore.adjustFavouriteCount(Long searchRequestId, int incrementValue)
          Updates the favourite count of the SearchRequest in the database.
 SearchRequest SearchRequestStore.create(SearchRequest request)
          Takes a SearchRequest, user, name of search request and description and persists the XML representation of the SearchRequest object to the database along with the rest of the details
 void SearchRequestStore.delete(Long id)
          Removes the SearchRequest GenericValue from the database based on its id
 SearchRequest SearchRequestStore.getSearchRequest(Long id)
          Return the search request as stored in the database
 SearchRequest SearchRequestStore.update(SearchRequest request)
          Updates an existing search request in the database.

Uses of NotNull in

Methods in with annotations of type NotNull
 Collection<ClauseHandler> SearchHandlerManager.getClauseHandler(String jqlClauseName)
          Return a collection of ClauseHandlers registered against the passed JQL clause name.
 Collection<ClauseHandler> SearchHandlerManager.getClauseHandler(User user, String jqlClauseName)
          Return a collection of ClauseHandlers registered against the passed JQL clause name.
 Collection<String> SearchHandlerManager.getFieldIds(String jqlClauseName)
          Gets the field ids that are associated with the provided jqlClauseName.
 Collection<String> SearchHandlerManager.getFieldIds(User searcher, String jqlClauseName)
          Gets the field ids that are associated with the provided jqlClauseName.
 Collection<ClauseNames> SearchHandlerManager.getJqlClauseNames(String fieldId)
          Get the ClauseNames associated with the provided field name.
 Collection<IssueSearcher<?>> SearchHandlerManager.getSearchersByClauseName(User user, String jqlClauseName, SearchContext searchContext)
          Return a collection of IssueSearchers registered against the passed JQL clause name.
 Collection<ClauseNames> SearchHandlerManager.getVisibleJqlClauseNames(User searcher)
          Get all the available clause names that the searcher can see.

Uses of NotNull in

Methods in with annotations of type NotNull
 List<SearchSort> SearchSortUtil.concatSearchSorts(Collection<SearchSort> newSorts, Collection<SearchSort> oldSorts, int maxLength)
          Concatenate the new search sorts and the old search sorts returning a list of sorts that is only of size maxLength.
 OrderBy SearchSortUtil.getOrderByClause(Map parameterMap)
          This method is used to convert incomming, request-style, parameters into SearchSort objects.
 List<SearchSort> SearchSortUtil.mergeSearchSorts(User user, Collection<SearchSort> newSorts, Collection<SearchSort> oldSorts, int maxLength)
          Combine the new search sorts and the old search sorts returning a list of sorts that is only of size maxLength.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder with annotations of type NotNull
 Query JqlQueryBuilder.buildQuery()
          This will find the root of the clause tree and build a Query whos where clause will return the generated clause and Order By clause will return the generated search order.
static JqlQueryBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder()
static JqlQueryBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newBuilder(Query existingQuery)
          Creates a new builder that clones the state of the passed in query so that you can use the resulting builder to create a slightly modified query.
static JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder()
          Build a new JqlClauseBuilder.
static JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder(Clause copy)
          Build a new JqlClauseBuilder and initialise it with the passed clause.
static JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newClauseBuilder(Query query)
          Build a new JqlClauseBuilder and initialise it with the clause from the passed query.
static JqlOrderByBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newOrderByBuilder()
          Build a new JqlOrderByBuilder.
static JqlOrderByBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newOrderByBuilder(OrderBy copy)
          Build a new JqlOrderByBuilder and initialise it with the passed order.
static JqlOrderByBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.newOrderByBuilder(Query query)
          Build a new JqlOrderByBuilder and initialise it with the order from the passed query.
 JqlOrderByBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.orderBy()
          Creates an JqlOrderByBuilder that can be used to modify the order by statements of the JqlQueryBuilder instance.
 JqlClauseBuilder JqlQueryBuilder.where()
          Creates an JqlClauseBuilder which is used to modify the where clause portion of the JqlQueryBuilder instance.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.jql.context

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.jql.context with annotations of type NotNull
 ClauseContextFactory MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.Factory.create(ClauseContextFactory delegate)
          Same as calling create(delegate, true).
 ClauseContextFactory MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.Factory.create(ClauseContextFactory delegate, boolean validating)
          Wrap the passed ClauseContextFactory in a MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.jql.context with annotations of type NotNull
 ClauseContextFactory MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.Factory.create(ClauseContextFactory delegate)
          Same as calling create(delegate, true).
 ClauseContextFactory MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.Factory.create(ClauseContextFactory delegate, boolean validating)
          Wrap the passed ClauseContextFactory in a MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.jql.query

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.jql.query with annotations of type NotNull
 QueryFactoryResult ClauseQueryFactory.getQuery(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext, TerminalClause terminalClause)
          Generates a lucene query for the passed TerminalClause.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.jql.resolver

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.jql.resolver with annotations of type NotNull
 Collection<T> NameResolver.getAll()
          Gets all domain objects of this type in the underlying database.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.jql.validator

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.jql.validator with annotations of type NotNull
 MessageSet OrderByValidator.validate(User searcher, OrderBy orderBy)
          Will add messages if there is a portion of the order by that contains a non-orderable jql clause name or if there are any duplicates or if the user is trying to order by a field that they can't see.
 MessageSet ClauseValidator.validate(User searcher, TerminalClause terminalClause)
          Validates a clause and adds human readable i18n'ed messages if there is a problem.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment with annotations of type NotNull
 List<SimpleLink> SimpleLinkFactory.getLinks(User user)
          Generates a list of SimpleLink objects.
 List<SimpleLink> SimpleLinkManager.getLinksForSection(String section, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section.
 List<SimpleLinkSection> SimpleLinkManager.getSectionsForLocation(String location, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location.

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment with annotations of type NotNull
 List<SimpleLink> SimpleLinkManager.getLinksForSection(String section, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section.
 List<SimpleLink> SimpleLinkManager.getLinksForSection(String section, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section.
 List<SimpleLinkSection> SimpleLinkManager.getSectionsForLocation(String location, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location.
 List<SimpleLinkSection> SimpleLinkManager.getSectionsForLocation(String location, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location.
 boolean DefaultSimpleLinkManager.shouldLocationBeLazy(String location, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          This determines whether a location should be loaded lazily if possible.
 boolean DefaultSimpleLinkManager.shouldLocationBeLazy(String location, User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          This determines whether a location should be loaded lazily if possible.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.model

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.model with annotations of type NotNull
 String SimpleLink.getUrl()
          The URL that the link points to.

Constructor parameters in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.model with annotations of type NotNull
SimpleLinkImpl(String id, String label, String title, String iconUrl, String style, String url, String accessKey)
          Constructor taking all attributes of a link

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.project

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.project with annotations of type NotNull
 Avatar Project.getAvatar()
          Gives the currently-configured Avatar for this project.
 Avatar ProjectImpl.getAvatar()

Uses of NotNull in

Constructor parameters in with annotations of type NotNull
DefaultCurrentApplicationFactory(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, JiraLicenseService jiraLicenseService)
DefaultCurrentApplicationFactory(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, JiraLicenseService jiraLicenseService)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.task

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.task with annotations of type NotNull
 TaskDescriptor<?> TaskManager.findFirstTask(TaskMatcher matcher)
          Find the first task that "matches" according to the passed matcher.
 TaskDescriptor<?> TaskManagerImpl.findFirstTask(TaskMatcher matcher)
 Collection<TaskDescriptor<?>> TaskManager.findTasks(TaskMatcher matcher)
          Find all the tasks that "match" according to the passed matcher.
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManager.getLiveTask(TaskContext taskContext)
          Return the live task associated with the passed context, if one exists.
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManagerImpl.getLiveTask(TaskContext taskContext)
 boolean TaskManager.hasLiveTaskWithContext(TaskContext taskContext)
          Returns true if the there are live tasks (running or submitted) that have a task context that is EQUAL to the passed in taskContext.
 boolean TaskManagerImpl.hasLiveTaskWithContext(TaskContext taskContext)
 boolean TaskManager.hasTaskWithContext(TaskContext taskContext)
          Returns true if the there are any tasks (submitted, running or finished) that have a task context that is EQUAL to the passed in taskContext.
 boolean TaskManagerImpl.hasTaskWithContext(TaskContext taskContext)
 boolean TaskManager.removeTask(Long taskId)
          Remove a task from the manager.
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManager.submitTask(Callable<V> callable, String taskDescription, TaskContext taskContext)
          This submits a Callable task to the manager which can then be started at the managers discretion, but hopefully very soon.
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManager.submitTask(Callable<V> callable, String taskDescription, TaskContext taskContext)
          This submits a Callable task to the manager which can then be started at the managers discretion, but hopefully very soon.
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManager.submitTask(Callable<V> callable, String taskDescription, TaskContext taskContext)
          This submits a Callable task to the manager which can then be started at the managers discretion, but hopefully very soon.
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManagerImpl.submitTask(Callable<V> callable, String taskDescription, TaskContext taskContext)
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManagerImpl.submitTask(Callable<V> callable, String taskDescription, TaskContext taskContext)
<V> TaskDescriptor<V>
TaskManagerImpl.submitTask(Callable<V> callable, String taskDescription, TaskContext taskContext)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.task.context

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.task.context with annotations of type NotNull
static Context Contexts.percentageLogger(Sized sized, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageLogger(Sized sized, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageLogger(Sized sized, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, String msg, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.user

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.user with annotations of type NotNull
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserIssueHistoryManager.getFullIssueHistoryWithoutPermissionChecks(User user)
          Retreive the user's issue history queue.
 List<UserHistoryItem> DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager.getFullIssueHistoryWithoutPermissionChecks(User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserIssueHistoryManager.getFullIssueHistoryWithPermissionChecks(User user)
          Retreive the user's issue history queue.
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserHistoryManager.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
          Retreive the user's history queue for the given UserHistoryItem.Type.
 List<UserHistoryItem> CachingUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
          Retreive the history for a given user/type.
 List<UserHistoryItem> OfBizUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> DefaultUserHistoryManager.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserProjectHistoryManager.getProjectHistoryWithoutPermissionChecks(User user)
          Retreive the user's project history queue.
 List<Project> UserProjectHistoryManager.getProjectHistoryWithPermissionChecks(int permission, User user)
          Retreive the user's project history queue.
 List<Issue> UserIssueHistoryManager.getShortIssueHistory(User user)
          Retreive the first X (jira.max.issue.history.dropdown.items) Issues from the user's issue history queue.
 List<Issue> DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager.getShortIssueHistory(User user)

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.user with annotations of type NotNull
 void CachingUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem historyItem)
 void CachingUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem historyItem)
 void SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem historyItem)
 void SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem historyItem)
 void UserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem historyItem)
          Add a history item to the database.
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem item)
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItem(User user, UserHistoryItem item)
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItemNoChecks(User user, UserHistoryItem item)
          Optimised method for adding a history item.
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.addHistoryItemNoChecks(User user, UserHistoryItem item)
          Optimised method for adding a history item.
 void DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager.addIssueToHistory(User user, Issue issue)
 void DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager.addIssueToHistory(User user, Issue issue)
 void DefaultUserHistoryManager.addItemToHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user, String entityId)
 void DefaultUserHistoryManager.addItemToHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user, String entityId)
 void DefaultUserHistoryManager.addItemToHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user, String entityId)
 void DefaultUserHistoryManager.addItemToHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user, String entityId, String data)
 void DefaultUserHistoryManager.addItemToHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user, String entityId, String data)
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.expireOldHistoryItems(User user, UserHistoryItem.Type type, Collection<String> entityIds)
          Method for expiring old items.
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.expireOldHistoryItems(User user, UserHistoryItem.Type type, Collection<String> entityIds)
          Method for expiring old items.
 List<UserHistoryItem> CachingUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> CachingUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
          Retreive the history for a given user/type.
 List<UserHistoryItem> UserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
          Retreive the history for a given user/type.
 List<UserHistoryItem> OfBizUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> OfBizUserHistoryStore.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 List<UserHistoryItem> DefaultUserHistoryManager.getHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 boolean DefaultUserHistoryManager.hasHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 boolean DefaultUserHistoryManager.hasHistory(UserHistoryItem.Type type, User user)
 void UserHistoryManager.removeHistoryForUser(User user)
          Remove the user's history.
 Set<UserHistoryItem.Type> CachingUserHistoryStore.removeHistoryForUser(User user)
 Set<UserHistoryItem.Type> SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore.removeHistoryForUser(User user)
 Set<UserHistoryItem.Type> UserHistoryStore.removeHistoryForUser(User user)
          Remove all history items for a given user.
 Set<UserHistoryItem.Type> OfBizUserHistoryStore.removeHistoryForUser(User user)
 void DefaultUserHistoryManager.removeHistoryForUser(User user)
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.updateHistoryItemNoChecks(User user, UserHistoryItem item)
          Optimised method for updating a record in the database.
 void OfBizUserHistoryStore.updateHistoryItemNoChecks(User user, UserHistoryItem item)
          Optimised method for updating a record in the database.

Constructor parameters in com.atlassian.jira.user with annotations of type NotNull
CachingUserHistoryStore(OfBizUserHistoryStore delegatingStore, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties)
CachingUserHistoryStore(OfBizUserHistoryStore delegatingStore, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties)
DefaultUserHistoryManager(UserHistoryStore store)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.user.util

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.user.util with annotations of type NotNull
 Set<User> UserUtil.getAllUsers()
          Returns the all user-names defined in JIRA, regardless of whether they are active or not.
 Set<User> UserManager.getAllUsers()
          Returns all users defined in JIRA, regardless of whether they are active or not.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.util

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.util with annotations of type NotNull
<T> DelegateComponentAdapter.Builder<T>
DelegateComponentAdapter.Builder.builderFor(Class<T> concrete)
 void Base64InputStreamConsumer.consume(InputStream element)
 void StreamCopyingConsumer.consume(InputStream inputStream)
 void Consumer.consume(T element)
          Consume the product.
<T> Predicate<T>
Predicates.equalTo(T check)
          A predicate that check that some input equals the passed argument.

Constructor parameters in com.atlassian.jira.util with annotations of type NotNull
CompositeCloseable(Closeable closeable, Closeable closeable2)
CompositeCloseable(Closeable closeable, Closeable closeable2)
RuntimeIOException(IOException cause)
RuntimeIOException(String message, IOException cause)
RuntimeIOException(String message, IOException cause)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.util.cache

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.util.cache with annotations of type NotNull
 T CompositeKeyCache.get(R one, S two, Supplier<T> supplier)
          Get the thing mapped to this key for the specified reader.
 T CompositeKeyCache.get(R one, S two, Supplier<T> supplier)
          Get the thing mapped to this key for the specified reader.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.util.collect

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.util.collect with annotations of type NotNull
<T> boolean
CollectionUtil.contains(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Does the supplied Iterable contain anything that matches the predicate?
<T> boolean
CollectionUtil.contains(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Does the supplied Iterable contain anything that matches the predicate?
<T> boolean
CollectionUtil.contains(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Does the supplied Iterator contain anything that matches the predicate?
<T> boolean
CollectionUtil.contains(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Does the supplied Iterator contain anything that matches the predicate?
<T> List<T>
CollectionUtil.copyAsImmutableList(Collection<? extends T> copy)
          Return an immutable list copy of the passed collection.
<T> Set<T>
CollectionUtil.copyAsImmutableSet(Collection<? extends T> copy)
          Return an immutable set copy of the passed collection.
<T> Iterable<T>
CollectionUtil.filter(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Create a filtered Iterable.
<T> Iterable<T>
CollectionUtil.filter(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Create a filtered Iterable.
<T> Iterator<T>
CollectionUtil.filter(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Create a filtered Iterator.
<T> Iterator<T>
CollectionUtil.filter(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Create a filtered Iterator.
<T> T
CollectionUtil.findFirstMatch(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Predicate<T> predicate)
          Return the first found element that the predicate matches.
<T> T
CollectionUtil.first(Iterable<T> iterable)
          Get the first element of a an Iterable in iteration order, or null if empty.
<T> void
CollectionUtil.foreach(Iterable<T> iterable, Consumer<T> consumer)
          For each element in the iterator, consume the contents.
<T> void
CollectionUtil.foreach(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Consumer<T> consumer)
          For each element in the iterator, consume the contents.
<T> void
CollectionUtil.foreach(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Consumer<T> consumer)
          For each element in the iterator, consume the contents.
<T> List<T>
CollectionUtil.sort(Collection<? extends T> collection, Comparator<T> comparator)
          Copy and sort the passed collection and return an unmodifiable List of the elements.
<T> List<T>
CollectionUtil.sort(Collection<? extends T> collection, Comparator<T> comparator)
          Copy and sort the passed collection and return an unmodifiable List of the elements.
<T> List<T>
CollectionUtil.toList(Enumeration<? extends T> enumeration)
          Turn the enumeration into a list.
<T> List<T>
CollectionUtil.toList(Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
          Turn the iterable into a list.
<T> List<T>
CollectionUtil.toList(Iterator<? extends T> iterator)
          Turn the iterator into a list.
<T> Set<T>
CollectionUtil.toSet(Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
          Turn the iterable into a Set.
<T> Set<T>
CollectionUtil.toSet(Iterator<? extends T> iterator)
          Turn the iterable into a Set.
<T,R> List<R>
CollectionUtil.transform(Iterable<T> iterable, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return a List that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> List<R>
CollectionUtil.transform(Iterable<T> iterable, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return a List that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> List<R>
CollectionUtil.transform(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return a List that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> List<R>
CollectionUtil.transform(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return a List that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> Iterator<R>
CollectionUtil.transformIterator(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return an Iterator that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> Iterator<R>
CollectionUtil.transformIterator(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return an Iterator that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> Set<R>
CollectionUtil.transformSet(Iterable<T> iterable, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return a Set that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.
<T,R> Set<R>
CollectionUtil.transformSet(Iterable<T> iterable, Function<T,R> transformer)
          Return a Set that is transformed from elements of the input type to elements of the output type by a transformer function.

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.jira.util.index

Method parameters in com.atlassian.jira.util.index with annotations of type NotNull
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)
static Context Contexts.percentageReporter(Sized sized, TaskProgressSink sink, I18nHelper i18n, org.apache.log4j.Logger logger, com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event event)

Uses of NotNull in com.atlassian.query.order

Methods in com.atlassian.query.order with annotations of type NotNull
 List<SearchSort> OrderBy.getSearchSorts()

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