Package com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.conditions

Class Summary
AbstractJiraCondition Convenient abstraction for jira specific Condition's.
AbstractJiraLicenseCondition Convenient abstraction to initialise conditions that checks if the jira license is of a specific level
AbstractJiraPermissionCondition Convenient abstraction to initialise conditions that require the PermissionManager and accept "permission" param.
EnterpriseJiraLicenseCondition Checks if the jira license is an enterprise edition
HasProjectPermissionCondition Checks if a project is selected (in JiraHelper) and if the user has the AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission for that project
HasSelectedProjectCondition Checks if a project is selected
HasVelocityRequestContext Checks if there is a VelocityRequestContext.getRequestParameters().
HasVersionsReleasedCondition Checks if there are any released versions for the selected project.
HasVersionsUnreleasedCondition Checks if there are any unreleased versions for the selected project.
IsFieldHiddenCondition Checks if the specified IsFieldHiddenCondition.field is hidden in at least one scheme associated with the selected project and IsFieldHiddenCondition.issuetype
JiraGlobalPermissionCondition Checks if the user has the global permission: AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission
ProfessionalOrEnterpriseJiraLicenseCondition Checks if the jira license is either professional or enterprise edition
UserHasIssueHistoryCondition Checks if there are any history issue's
UserHasVisibleProjectsCondition Checks if the user can see atleast one project with this AbstractJiraPermissionCondition.permission
UserIsAdminCondition Checks if this user has the global admin permission
UserIsProjectAdminCondition Checks that the current user is a project admin for atleast one project
UserLoggedInCondition Checks if this user is logged in

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