Package com.atlassian.jira.web.util

Interface Summary
ExternalLinkUtil A simple utility class that lets you resolve external links that may need to change, because of partner sites and such.
SubTaskQuickCreationConfig Used to provide the SubTaskQuickCreationWebComponent with configuration parameters.
WebAttachmentManager Manager for issue attachments.

Class Summary
CookieUtils This class handles utility methods for managing HTTP cookies.
ExternalLinkUtilImpl A simple utility class that lets you resolve external links that may need to change, because of partner sites and such.
FileNameCharacterCheckerUtil This is a centralized object for checking illegal characters in attachment file names.
HelpUtil Helps look up titles and URLs of help links.
HostileAttachmentsHelper A tool for loading and encapsulating the local policy for which MIME Content Types and file extensions may contain active executable client-side content and which therefore should be treated carefully to avoid XSS attacks via uploading these files as attachments.
Ie6MimeSniffer Emulates Internet Explorer MIME type sniffing behaviour to predict the MIME override that IE will do to files.
IssueTableBean Gets security Level info out of the database
JiraPicoDWRCreator A creator for the DWR ajax framework that allows us to inject beans with jira's usage of pico.
OutlookDate Class to give a nice String representation of a date (inspired by Outlook)

Note: This class is not Threadsafe due to its use of DateFormat objects.

SubTaskQuickCreationConfigImpl Used to provide the SubTaskQuickCreationWebComponent with configuration parameters.
SubTaskQuickCreationWebComponent Used to render a Quick Sub Task Creation (html) form.

Exception Summary

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