Uses of Class

Packages that use ProjectActionSupport

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.projectpanel

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.projectpanel with parameters of type ProjectActionSupport
 boolean ProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
          Whether or not to show this panel for the given action and project.

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.projectpanel.impl

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.projectpanel.impl with parameters of type ProjectActionSupport
 boolean PopularIssuesProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
 boolean ComponentsVersionsProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
 boolean GenericProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
 boolean VersionsProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
          Returns true if versions field is visible and project has at least one version
 boolean GenericVersionsProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
 boolean ComponentsProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
          Returns true if components field is visible and project has at least one component
 boolean AbstractProjectTabPanel.showPanel(ProjectActionSupport action, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project)
          Always returns true.

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in

Methods in with parameters of type ProjectActionSupport
 String Report.generateReportExcel(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
          Generate the report's Excel HTML - usually from the Velocity resource named "excel".
 String Report.generateReportHtml(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
          Generate the report's HTML - usually from the Velocity resource named "html".
 void Report.validate(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
          Validate the parameters passed to this report from the UI.

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in

Methods in with parameters of type ProjectActionSupport
 String TimeTrackingReport.generateReportExcel(ProjectActionSupport action, Map reqParams)
 String AbstractReport.generateReportExcel(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
          By default, will throw an UnsuppportedOperationException as reports don't support Excel by default.
 String VersionWorkloadReport.generateReportHtml(ProjectActionSupport action, Map reqParams)
 String DeveloperWorkloadReport.generateReportHtml(ProjectActionSupport action, Map reqParams)
 String TimeTrackingReport.generateReportHtml(ProjectActionSupport action, Map reqParams)
 String SingleLevelGroupByReport.generateReportHtml(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
 void VersionWorkloadReport.validate(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
 void DeveloperWorkloadReport.validate(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
 void TimeTrackingReport.validate(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
 void SingleLevelGroupByReport.validate(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)
 void AbstractReport.validate(ProjectActionSupport action, Map params)

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action
 class AbstractBrowser
          An abstract browser that implements a few helpful things for paging.
 class AbstractViewIssueColumns
 class Dashboard
          The action invoked to render a user's dashboard pages on the user's home page.
 class IssueActionSupport

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin
 class AttachmentsAdmin
 class ConfigureDefaultPortal
 class EditApplicationProperties
 class EditAttachmentSettings
 class EditLookAndFeel
 class EditUserDefaultSettings
          Controls setting the email prefs.
 class GlobalPermissions
 class SaveDefaultConfiguration
 class SetGlobalEmailPreference
          Updates all the users preference to the current default preference.
 class TrackbackAdmin
 class ViewApplicationProperties
 class ViewAttachmentSettings
 class ViewIssueColumns
 class ViewLookAndFeel
 class ViewUserDefaultSettings
          Configure email preferences.

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.enterprise

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.enterprise
 class ViewSearchRequestIssueColumns

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.importer

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.importer
 class AbstractImportEntity

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.importer.issue

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.importer.issue
 class AbstractImportIssue
 class MapColumns
 class MapCustomFields
 class MapIssueTypes
 class MapPriorities
 class MapResolutions
 class MapStatuses
 class MapUsers
 class MapValidateImport
 class UploadXmlFile

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.index

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.index
 class IndexAdminImpl

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.issuetypes

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.issuetypes
 class MigrateIssueTypes

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.user

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.admin.user
 class DeleteGroup
 class DeleteUser
 class DeleteUserProperty
 class EditUser
 class EditUserGroups
 class EditUserProperties
 class EditUserProperty
 class GroupBrowser
 class GroupPickerBrowser
 class SetPassword
 class UserBrowser
 class UserPickerBrowser
 class UserProperty
          This represents a key:value pair property for a user.
 class ViewUser

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.browser

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.browser
 class Browser
 class ConfigureReport

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.filter

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.filter
 class EditFilter
 class FilterSubscription
          Action for CRUD of a scheduled email subscription to search filter results.
 class ManageFilters
          Action class for managing filters.
 class ManageSubscriptions
          Action class for Managaing Subscriptions.
 class SaveAsFilter
 class SaveFilter

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue
 class AbstractCommentableAssignableIssue
 class AbstractCommentableIssue
          This class should be extended by any action that modifies issues and can have an associated comment.
 class AbstractIssueSelectAction
          An abstract action that should be extended by any action which wants to 'select' an issue

TODO: Test this class thoroughly - especially setKey()

 class AbstractViewIssue
 class AbstractWorklogAction
 class AddComment
 class AssignIssue
 class AttachFile
 class CloneIssueDetails
 class CommentAssignIssue
 class CreateIssue
 class CreateIssueDetails
 class CreateSubTaskIssue
 class CreateSubTaskIssueDetails
 class CreateWorklog
          This action creates a new worklog
 class DeleteAttachment
 class DeleteComment
 class DeleteIssue
 class DeleteWorklog
          This action deletes an existing worklog
 class EditComment
 class EditIssue
 class EditSubTaskIssue
 class IssueNavigator
 class LinkExistingIssue
 class ManageAttachments
 class ManageLinks
 class ManageTrackbacks
 class ManageWatchers
 class MoveIssue
 class MoveIssueConfirm
 class MoveIssueUpdateFields
 class MoveSubTask
 class MoveSubTaskChooseOperation
          This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issues
 class MoveSubTaskParent
 class QuickSearch
 class SearchDescriptionEnabledAction
 class UpdateIssueFields
          Action to update an issue.
 class UpdateWorklog
          This action updates an existing worklog
 class ViewIssue
 class ViewVoters

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.bulkedit

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.bulkedit
 class AbstractBulkOperationAction
 class AbstractBulkOperationDetailsAction
 class BulkCancelWizard
          This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issues User: keithb Date: Dec 3, 2003 Time: 12:26:25 PM To change this template use Options | File Templates.
 class BulkChooseOperation
          This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issues User: keithb Date: Dec 3, 2003 Time: 12:26:25 PM To change this template use Options | File Templates.
 class BulkDelete
 class BulkEdit
 class BulkEdit1
 class BulkMigrate
 class BulkMove
 class BulkWorkflowTransition

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.enterprise

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.enterprise
 class MoveIssueUpdateWorkflow

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.portal

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.portal
 class AbstractConfigurePortal
 class AbstractSaveConfiguration
          An utter utter utter utter abomination.
 class RunPortlet

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.project

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.project
 class AbstractProjectAction
          An abstract action useful for creating and editing projects
 class AddComponent
 class AddProject
 class AddProjectEntity
 class AddVersion
 class DeleteComponent
 class DeleteProject
 class DeleteProjectEntity
 class DeleteVersion
 class EditComponent
          This class is used to edit the name of a Project Version.
 class EditProject
 class EditProjectEntity
          This class is a common class for the editing of Project Entities.
 class EditVersionArchives
 class EditVersionDetails
          This class is used to edit the name of a Project Version.
 class EditVersionReleases
 class ManageVersions
 class MergeVersions
 class ViewProject

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.project.enterprise

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.project.enterprise
 class SelectComponentAssignees

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.projectcategory

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.projectcategory
 class AddProjectCategory
 class DeleteProjectCategory
 class EditProjectCategory

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.user

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.user
 class AbstractUserAction
 class AbstractUserReport
 class ChangePassword
 class ConfigurePortal
 class EditProfile
 class GenericEditProfile
 class PersonalBrowser
 class SaveConfiguration
          Saves a portlet configuration to a property set.
 class UpdateUserPreferences
 class UserVotes
 class UserWatches
 class ViewProfile
 class ViewUserIssueColumns
 class ViewUserPreferences

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.util

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.util
 class ExportAll
 class ImportAll

Uses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.workflow

Subclasses of ProjectActionSupport in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.workflow
 class SimpleWorkflowAction
 class WorkflowUIDispatcher
          A simple action to look at the incoming action + issue ID combination, and redirect to the correct web action.

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