Uses of Interface

Packages that use Portlet

Uses of Portlet in com.atlassian.jira.bc.portal

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.bc.portal that return Portlet
 Portlet AbstractPortalPageService.getVisiblePortlet(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, String portletKey)
 Portlet PortalPageService.getVisiblePortlet(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, String portletKey)
          This returns a Portlet if the user can see it

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.bc.portal with parameters of type Portlet
 boolean AbstractPortalPageService.canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)
 boolean PortalPageService.canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)
          Returns true if the user is able to view the passed portlet.

Uses of Portlet in com.atlassian.jira.portal

Subinterfaces of Portlet in com.atlassian.jira.portal
 interface LazyLoadingPortlet
          This class allows the implementation of lazily loaded portlets.

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.portal that implement Portlet
 class PortletImpl

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.portal that return Portlet
 Portlet PortletConfiguration.getPortlet()
          Returns the portlet implementation that this PortletConfiguration is for.
 Portlet PortletConfigurationImpl.getPortlet()
 Portlet PortletAccessManager.getPortlet(String portletKey)
          This returns a Portlet based on portletKey
 Portlet PortalManager.getPortlet(String id)
          Deprecated. since v3.13. Use PortletAccessManager.getPortlet(String) instead.
 Portlet DefaultPortletAccessManager.getPortlet(String portletKey)
 Portlet PortletAccessManager.getPortlet(User user, String portletKey)
          Called to return a Portlet that can be seen by the User and which has the key of portletKey
 Portlet DefaultPortletAccessManager.getPortlet(User user, String portletKey)
 Portlet DefaultPortalPageManager.getVisiblePortlet(User user, String portletKey)
 Portlet PortalPageManager.getVisiblePortlet(User user, String portletKey)
          Returns a Portlet if the user can see it

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.portal with parameters of type Portlet
 boolean DefaultPortalPageManager.canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)
 boolean PortalPageManager.canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)
          Returns true if the user is able to view the passed portlet.
 boolean PortletAccessManager.canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)
          This returns true if the specified user is allowed to see the passed Portlet
 boolean DefaultPortletAccessManager.canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)

Constructors in com.atlassian.jira.portal with parameters of type Portlet
PortletConfigurationImpl(Long id, Long dashboardPageId, String portletKey, Portlet portlet, Integer column, Integer row, com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet configuration)

Uses of Portlet in com.atlassian.jira.portal.portlets

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.portal.portlets that implement Portlet
 class AbstractRequiresUserPortlet
          Portlets should extend this portlet if they should not be displayed to anonymous users.
 class AbstractSearchResultsPortlet
 class AbstractVotesAndWatchesPortlet
 class AdminPortlet
 class AssignedToMePortlet
 class InProgressIssuesPortlet
 class IntroductionPortlet
          Portlet implementation that shows an introduction to this installation of JIRA.
 class MyVotesPortlet
 class MyWatchesPortlet
 class ProjectPortlet
          Portlet that displays information about a single project.
 class ProjectsPortlet
          Portlet that displays information about multiple projects.
 class ProjectStatsPortlet
 class ProjectTablePortlet
          Portlet with a list of projects or project categories in a table with a configured list of columns.
 class RoadMapPortlet
          Portlet implementation for the RoadMapPortlet.
 class SavedFiltersPortlet
 class SearchRequestPortlet
 class StatsPortlet
 class TextPortlet
          Implementation of text portlet that renders HTML text.
 class TwoDimensionalStatsPortlet
 class UserIssuesPortlet
          This portlet displays links to user's reported issues, watched and voted issues.

Uses of Portlet in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.portal

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.portal that return Portlet
 Portlet RunPortlet.getPortlet()
 Portlet AbstractSaveConfiguration.getPortlet()

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.web.action.portal with parameters of type Portlet
 List AbstractAddPortlet.getPortletConfigurations(Portlet portlet)

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