Interface PortalPageService

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPortalPageService, ProfessionalPortalPageService, StandardPortalPageSevice

public interface PortalPageService

The PortalPageService is the top level service for Dashboard operations.

For historical reasons, Dashboards where called Portals and hence the prefix "Portal" is used consistently throughout the code.


Method Summary
 PortletConfiguration addPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, String portletKey, int suggestedColumn, int suggestedRow)
          Adds a Portlet to the PortalPage and returns the [@link PortletConfiguration} that represents the newly added configuration.
 boolean canUserSeePortlet(User user, Portlet portlet)
          Returns true if the user is able to view the passed portlet.
 boolean canUserSeePortlet(User user, String portletKey)
          Returns true if the user is able to view the Portlet identified by portletKey.
 PortalPage copyPortletConfigurationInPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Make a new copy of a PortletConfiguration on a PortalPage.
 PortalPage createPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage)
          Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database.
 PortalPage createPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, boolean isFavourite)
          Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database.
 PortalPage createPortalPageByClone(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long clonePortalPageId)
          Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database by cloning its Portlet content from an existing PortalPage object.
 PortalPage createPortalPageByClone(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long clonePortalPageId, boolean isFavourite)
          Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database by cloning its Portlet content from an existing PortalPage object.
 void decreasePortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Decreases the position of the page configuration in the user's page configuration set.
 void deleteAllPortalPagesForUser(User user)
          Delete all Portal Pages owned by a user.
 void deletePortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Called to delete the PortalPage with the specified portalPageId.
 PortalPage deletePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          This can be called to delete a specific PortletConfiguration object by id inside a PortalPage object from the underlying database store.
 Collection getFavouritePortalPages(User user)
          Retrieve all PortalPage's a user has favourited.
 Collection getNonPrivatePortalPages(User user)
          Get a user's non private PortalPage's.
 Collection getOwnedPortalPages(User user)
          Retrieve all PortalPage's a user owns/has created.
 PortalPage getPortalPage(JiraServiceContext servceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Retrieve a given PortalPage by id.
 Collection getPortalPagesFavouritedByOthers(User user)
          Get PortalPage's owned by a given user that have been favourited by at least one other user
 PortalPage getSystemDefaultPortalPage()
          This returns the System Default PortalPage as defined by the JIRA Administrators
 Portlet getVisiblePortlet(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, String portletKey)
          This returns a Portlet if the user can see it
 Collection getVisiblePortlets(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx)
          This returns a collections of the all the Portlet's a user can see
 void increasePortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Increases the position of the page configuration in the user's page configuration set
 boolean isFavourite(User user, PortalPage portalPage)
          Is the passed PortalPage a favourite of the passed User.
 boolean isMultiplePortalPagesEnabled()
          This returns TRUE if the user is allowed to create multiple PortalPage objects.
 PortalPage movePortletConfigurationToPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage srcPortalPage, PortalPage targetPortalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Move a PortletConfiguration from one PortalPage to another.
 void moveToEndPortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Puts the given page to the end of the user's page configuration set.
 void moveToStartPortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Puts the given page to the start of the user's page configuration set.
 PortalPage saveAllPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage)
          This can be called to save the PortletConfiguration objects inside a PortalPage object to the underlying database store.
 PortalPage savePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Save a specific PortletConfiguration inside the passed PortalPage to a database store.
 SharedEntitySearchResult search(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, SharedEntitySearchParameters searchParameters, int pagePosition, int pageWidth)
          Search for the PortalPages that match the passed SearchParameters.
 PortalPage updatePortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage)
          Updates the specified PortalPage in the database
 PortalPage updatePortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, boolean isFavourite)
          Updates the specified PortalPage in the database
 boolean validateForAddPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, String portletKey, int suggestedColumn, int suggestedRow)
          Called to validate that a Portlet can be added to the PortalPage
 boolean validateForChangePortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Called to validate that sequence of a PortalPage can be changed.
 boolean validateForCopyPortletConfigurationInPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Check that it is possible to copy the PortletConfiguration on the passed PortalPage.
 boolean validateForCreate(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage)
          Called to validate that the PortalPage object is in a valid state for creation.
 boolean validateForCreatePortalPageByClone(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long clonePortalPageId)
          Called to validate that a new PortalPage can be created by cloning its Portlet content from an existing PortalPage object.
 boolean validateForDelete(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, Long portalPageId)
          Called to validate that the specified portalPage with the portalPageId can be deleted.
 boolean validateForDeletePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Make sure that the user can delete identified PortletConfiguration object from the inside of the PortalPage.
 boolean validateForMovePortletConfigurationToPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage srcPortalPage, PortalPage targetPortalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Check that it is possible to move a PortletConfiguration from one PortalPage to another.
 boolean validateForSaveAllPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, PortalPage portalPage)
          Make sure that the user can save all the PortletConfiguration inside the PortalPage.
 boolean validateForSavePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, PortalPage portalPage, Long portletConfigId)
          Make sure that the user can save a specific PortletConfiguration inside the passed PortalPage.
 void validateForSearch(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, SharedEntitySearchParameters searchParameters)
          This will validate that the input parameters are valid for a search that encompasses ANY share entity type.
 boolean validateForUpdate(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx, PortalPage portalPage)
          Called to validate that the PortalPage can be be updated

Method Detail


PortalPage getPortalPage(JiraServiceContext servceCtx,
                         Long portalPageId)
Retrieve a given PortalPage by id.

servceCtx - JIRA Service context containing an error collection and user requesting (to run) the PortalPage. The PortalPage must exist and the user must be able to see PortalPage else an error will result.
portalPageId - The id of the PortalPage to retrieve. Id must not be null.
The PortalPage as specified by the id, or null if none exists for the user.


Collection getFavouritePortalPages(User user)
Retrieve all PortalPage's a user has favourited. Permission checks are done to ensure the user can see the PortalPage, as visibility may have been removed from underneath them.

user - The user who has favourite PortalPage's. Also to test visibility and with
a Collection of PortalPage objects that represent PortalPage's the user has favourited.


boolean isFavourite(User user,
                    PortalPage portalPage)
Is the passed PortalPage a favourite of the passed User.

user - the user to check.
portalPage - the page to check.
true if the PortalPage is a favourite of the passed User.


Collection getOwnedPortalPages(User user)
Retrieve all PortalPage's a user owns/has created.

user - The user who created the PortalPage's.
a Collection of PortalPage objects that represent PortalPage's the user has created.


Collection getNonPrivatePortalPages(User user)
Get a user's non private PortalPage's. I.e. PortalPage's that other users can possibly see.

user - The author of the PortalPage's
Collection of PortalPage objects that do not have private scope.


Collection getPortalPagesFavouritedByOthers(User user)
Get PortalPage's owned by a given user that have been favourited by at least one other user

user - The author of the PortalPage's
Collection of PortalPage objects owned by the given user and favourited by at least one other user


PortalPage getSystemDefaultPortalPage()
This returns the System Default PortalPage as defined by the JIRA Administrators

the system default PortalPage


boolean isMultiplePortalPagesEnabled()
This returns TRUE if the user is allowed to create multiple PortalPage objects. This is locked down on STANDARD JIRA

true if uses can created multiple portal pages or false if not.


boolean validateForCreate(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                          PortalPage portalPage)
Called to validate that the PortalPage object is in a valid state for creation. Call this before calling the create method .

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage object that is to be validated for create
true if the PortalPage is valid or false. The ErrorCollection of the serviceCtx will have any errors in it.


PortalPage createPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                            PortalPage portalPage)
Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage object that is to be created
a fully fledged PortalPage with the new Id in it.


PortalPage createPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                            PortalPage portalPage,
                            boolean isFavourite)
Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage object that is to be created
isFavourite - set to true if the PortalPage should be marked as a favourite
a fully fledged PortalPage with the new Id in it.


boolean validateForCreatePortalPageByClone(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                           PortalPage portalPage,
                                           Long clonePortalPageId)
Called to validate that a new PortalPage can be created by cloning its Portlet content from an existing PortalPage object.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage object that is to be created
clonePortalPageId - the id of an existing PortalPage to clone
true if the PortalPage can be cloned from another page


PortalPage createPortalPageByClone(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                   PortalPage portalPage,
                                   Long clonePortalPageId)
Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database by cloning its Portlet content from an existing PortalPage object.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage object that is to be created
clonePortalPageId - the id of an existing PortalPage to clone
a fully fledged PortalPage with the new Id in it.


PortalPage createPortalPageByClone(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                   PortalPage portalPage,
                                   Long clonePortalPageId,
                                   boolean isFavourite)
Called to create and store the specified portalPage into the database by cloning its Portlet content from an existing PortalPage object.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage object that is to be created
clonePortalPageId - the id of an existing PortalPage to clone
isFavourite - set to true if the PortalPage should be marked as a favourite
a fully fledged PortalPage with the new Id in it.


boolean validateForDelete(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                          Long portalPageId)
Called to validate that the specified portalPage with the portalPageId can be deleted.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to delete
true if the PortalPage can be deleted. The ErrorCollection of the serviceCtx will have any errors in it.


void deletePortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                      Long portalPageId)
Called to delete the PortalPage with the specified portalPageId.

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to delete


boolean validateForUpdate(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                          PortalPage portalPage)
Called to validate that the PortalPage can be be updated

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage to update
true if the PortalPage is valid or false. The ErrorCollection of the serviceCtx will have any errors in it.


PortalPage updatePortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                            PortalPage portalPage)
Updates the specified PortalPage in the database

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage to update
a newly updated PortalPage


PortalPage updatePortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                            PortalPage portalPage,
                            boolean isFavourite)
Updates the specified PortalPage in the database

serviceCtx - the JiraServiceContext in play
portalPage - the PortalPage to update
isFavourite - set to true if the PortalPage is to be marked as a favourite
a newly updated PortalPage


boolean validateForChangePortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                            Long portalPageId)
Called to validate that sequence of a PortalPage can be changed.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to re-sequence
true if the PortalPage can be re-sequenced


void increasePortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                Long portalPageId)
Increases the position of the page configuration in the user's page configuration set

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to re-sequence


void decreasePortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                Long portalPageId)
Decreases the position of the page configuration in the user's page configuration set.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to re-sequence


void moveToStartPortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                   Long portalPageId)
Puts the given page to the start of the user's page configuration set.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to re-sequence


void moveToEndPortalPageSequence(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                 Long portalPageId)
Puts the given page to the end of the user's page configuration set.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPageId - the id of the PortalPage to re-sequence


boolean validateForSaveAllPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                                         PortalPage portalPage)
Make sure that the user can save all the PortletConfiguration inside the PortalPage.

jiraServiceContext - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage in question
true if the user can save the portlet or false otherwise.


PortalPage saveAllPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                 PortalPage portalPage)
This can be called to save the PortletConfiguration objects inside a PortalPage object to the underlying database store.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage in question
a newly refreshed PortalPage object whose internals reflects what has been saved


boolean validateForSavePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext,
                                                      PortalPage portalPage,
                                                      Long portletConfigId)
Make sure that the user can save a specific PortletConfiguration inside the passed PortalPage.

jiraServiceContext - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage in question
portletConfigId - the id of the configuration that should be saved.
true if the user can save the portlet or false otherwise.


PortalPage savePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                              PortalPage portalPage,
                                              Long portletConfigId)
Save a specific PortletConfiguration inside the passed PortalPage to a database store.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage in question
portletConfigId - the configuration to copy.
a newly refreshed PortalPage object whose internals reflects what has been saved


boolean validateForDeletePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                        PortalPage portalPage,
                                                        Long portletConfigId)
Make sure that the user can delete identified PortletConfiguration object from the inside of the PortalPage.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage in question
portletConfigId - the id of the PortletConfiguration inside the PortalPage
true if the user can delete the portlet or false otherwise.


PortalPage deletePortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                PortalPage portalPage,
                                                Long portletConfigId)
This can be called to delete a specific PortletConfiguration object by id inside a PortalPage object from the underlying database store.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage in question
portletConfigId - the id of the PortletConfiguration inside the PortalPage
a newly refreshed PortalPage object whose internals reflects what has been changed


boolean validateForAddPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                     PortalPage portalPage,
                                                     String portletKey,
                                                     int suggestedColumn,
                                                     int suggestedRow)
Called to validate that a Portlet can be added to the PortalPage

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage to add the Portlet to
portletKey - the key of the Portlet to add
suggestedColumn - the suggested column inside the PortalPage
suggestedRow - the suggested row inside the PortalPage
true if the Portlet can be added


PortletConfiguration addPortalPagePortletConfiguration(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                       PortalPage portalPage,
                                                       String portletKey,
                                                       int suggestedColumn,
                                                       int suggestedRow)
Adds a Portlet to the PortalPage and returns the [@link PortletConfiguration} that represents the newly added configuration.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage to add the Portlet to
portletKey - the key of the Portlet to add
suggestedColumn - the suggested column inside the PortalPage
suggestedRow - the suggested row inside the PortalPage
a PortletConfiguration representing where the Portlet was placed. The PortalPage may in fact renumber where the PP was placed.


boolean validateForCopyPortletConfigurationInPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                        PortalPage portalPage,
                                                        Long portletConfigId)
Check that it is possible to copy the PortletConfiguration on the passed PortalPage.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call.
portalPage - the PortalPage that contains the PortletConfiguration to copy.
portletConfigId - the id of the PortletConfiguration to copy.
true if the PortletConfiguration can be copied or false otherwise.


PortalPage copyPortletConfigurationInPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                PortalPage portalPage,
                                                Long portletConfigId)
Make a new copy of a PortletConfiguration on a PortalPage.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portalPage - the PortalPage that contains the PortletConfiguration to copy.
portletConfigId - the id of the PortletConfiguration to copy. It must be attached to the passed PortalPage.
the new PortalPage with the copied PortletConfiguration.


boolean validateForMovePortletConfigurationToPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                        PortalPage srcPortalPage,
                                                        PortalPage targetPortalPage,
                                                        Long portletConfigId)
Check that it is possible to move a PortletConfiguration from one PortalPage to another.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call.
srcPortalPage - the PortalPage that contains the PortletConfiguration to move.
targetPortalPage - the PortalPage to receive the PortletConfiguration.
portletConfigId - the id of the PortletConfiguration to move.
true if the PortletConfiguration can be moved or false otherwise.


PortalPage movePortletConfigurationToPortalPage(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                                PortalPage srcPortalPage,
                                                PortalPage targetPortalPage,
                                                Long portletConfigId)
Move a PortletConfiguration from one PortalPage to another.

serviceCtx - the context of the service call.
srcPortalPage - the PortalPage that contains the PortletConfiguration to move.
targetPortalPage - the PortalPage to receive the PortletConfiguration.
portletConfigId - the id of the PortletConfiguration to move.
the changed targetPortalPage or null if the call failed.


boolean canUserSeePortlet(User user,
                          String portletKey)
Returns true if the user is able to view the Portlet identified by portletKey.

user - the user to check.
portletKey - the plugin id of the portlet to test.
true if the user is able to view the Portlet identified by portletKey.


boolean canUserSeePortlet(User user,
                          Portlet portlet)
Returns true if the user is able to view the passed portlet.

user - the user to check.
portlet - the portlet to test.
true if the user is able to view the passed portlet.


Collection getVisiblePortlets(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx)
This returns a collections of the all the Portlet's a user can see

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
a list of Portlet's the user can see


Portlet getVisiblePortlet(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                          String portletKey)
This returns a Portlet if the user can see it

serviceCtx - the context of the service call
portletKey - the plugin id of the portlet to test.
a Portlet if the user can see it


void validateForSearch(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                       SharedEntitySearchParameters searchParameters)
This will validate that the input parameters are valid for a search that encompasses ANY share entity type.

serviceCtx - Context containing user, error collection and i18n bean
searchParameters - the SharedEntitySearchParameters to validate


SharedEntitySearchResult search(JiraServiceContext serviceCtx,
                                SharedEntitySearchParameters searchParameters,
                                int pagePosition,
                                int pageWidth)
Search for the PortalPages that match the passed SearchParameters. The result can be paged so that a subset of the results can be returned.

serviceCtx - Context containing user, error collection and i18n bean
searchParameters - the searchParameters to query.
pagePosition - the page to return.
pageWidth - the number of results per page.
the result of the search.


void deleteAllPortalPagesForUser(User user)
Delete all Portal Pages owned by a user. This method will also remove all favourites for all portlets as well as remove all favourites for the user. A nice big cleanup method for when deleting a user.

user - The user to clean up after.

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