Class PublicSchemaConfigCheck

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.appconsistency.db.PublicSchemaConfigCheck
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PublicSchemaConfigCheck
extends Object
implements DatabaseCheck

A DatabaseCheck that looks in the entityengine.xml for an anticipated misconfiguration, the combination of setting schema-name to PUBLIC (upper case) on a database other than HSQL.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getFaultDescription()
          Implement this method to return the description of the fault.
 String getHTMLFaultDescription()
          Implement this method to return the error message of the fault.
 String getName()
          Implement this method to return the name of this check
 boolean isOk()
          Returns false if the schema is PUBLIC (all caps) and the field type ain't HSQL.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PublicSchemaConfigCheck()
Method Detail


public String getName()
Description copied from interface: DatabaseCheck
Implement this method to return the name of this check

Specified by:
getName in interface DatabaseCheck


public boolean isOk()
Returns false if the schema is PUBLIC (all caps) and the field type ain't HSQL. Returns false otherwise. This check can also be disabled by setting the KEY_PUBLIC_SCHEMA_CONFIG_DISABLED property to "true". If disabled, it'll always return true.

Specified by:
isOk in interface DatabaseCheck
the result of the check


public String getFaultDescription()
Description copied from interface: DatabaseCheck
Implement this method to return the description of the fault. This method should return null in the case the check was positive. This message is used to present the user with a message to the console

Specified by:
getFaultDescription in interface DatabaseCheck
fault description


public String getHTMLFaultDescription()
Description copied from interface: DatabaseCheck
Implement this method to return the error message of the fault. This method should return null in the case the check was positive. This message is used to present the user with a message viewable in a web browser.

Specified by:
getHTMLFaultDescription in interface DatabaseCheck
HTML formatted fault description

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