Interface JiraService

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractService, JiraServiceContainer

public interface JiraService
extends com.atlassian.configurable.ObjectConfigurable

Classes that are to be run as services within JIRA must implement this class.

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          This method is called when the service is unloaded (usually when the web application or server is being shut down).
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          A textual description of the service.
 void init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props)
          Initialise the service.
 boolean isInternal()
          Indicates whether administrators can delete this service from within the web interface.
 boolean isUnique()
          Whether this service class should be unique.
 void run()
          Perform the action of this service.
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.configurable.ObjectConfigurable
getDefaultProperty, getKey, getLongProperty, getObjectConfiguration, getProperties, getProperty, hasProperty

Method Detail


public void init(com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet props)
          throws com.atlassian.configurable.ObjectConfigurationException
Initialise the service. This method is guaranteed to be called before the first call to run().

As the parameters are gained from the user's interaction with the website, it is not guaranteed to be called with the correct, or indeed with any parameters.

init() may be called multiple times during the services lifetime.



public void run()
Perform the action of this service. The caller of this method assumes that no housekeeping has been done, and will call setLastRun() after the run() method.

init() is guaranteed to be called before run(), but the parameters passed to init() are not guaranteed to be correct. Any parameters expected to be set by init() should be checked in this method upon each invocation.

See Also:


public void destroy()
This method is called when the service is unloaded (usually when the web application or server is being shut down).

You may wish to remove any connections that you have established, eg. database connections.


public boolean isInternal()
Indicates whether administrators can delete this service from within the web interface.

Generally only Atlassian services should return true from this.


public boolean isUnique()
Whether this service class should be unique. Some service are fine to have multiples, and some are not.

Having multiple backup services could be fine - perhaps you want to backup once an hour, and also once a day.

With other services, you may wish to enforce their uniqueness

Whether this service class should be unique.


public java.lang.String getDescription()
A textual description of the service. You can include HTML if required, but do not use tables, or DHTML, as the description may be displayed inside tables / frames.

A good description will describe what this service does, and then explains the parameters required for configuring the service.

If no description is appropriate, return null.

A HTML description of the service

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