Class BulkOperations


public class BulkOperations extends Object
Class to handle bulk operations in func tests.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BulkOperations

      @Inject public BulkOperations(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.WebTester tester, com.atlassian.jira.testkit.client.log.FuncTestLogger logger, Navigation navigation, Administration administration, Assertions assertions)
  • Method Details

    • bulkChangeIncludeAllPages

      public void bulkChangeIncludeAllPages()
      Simulates the clicking on bulk change all issues
    • bulkChangeIncludeCurrentPage

      public void bulkChangeIncludeCurrentPage()
      Simulates the clicking on bulk change current page of issues
    • isStepChooseIssues

      public void isStepChooseIssues()
      Checks if the current step in bulk change is: Choose Issues
    • isStepChooseOperation

      public void isStepChooseOperation()
      Checks if the current step in bulk change is: Choose Operation
    • isStepOperationDetails

      public void isStepOperationDetails()
      Checks if the current step in bulk change is: Operation Details
    • isStepConfirmation

      public void isStepConfirmation()
      Checks if the current step in bulk change is: Confirmation.
    • bulkChangeSelectIssue

      public void bulkChangeSelectIssue(String key)
    • bulkChangeSelectIssues

      public void bulkChangeSelectIssues(Collection keys)
    • waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage

      public void waitAndReloadBulkOperationProgressPage()
    • bulkChangeChooseOperationEdit

      public void bulkChangeChooseOperationEdit()
      Chooses the Edit Operation radio button in the Step Choose Operation
    • setBulkEditFieldTo

      public void setBulkEditFieldTo(String field, String listValue)
      Selects the 'listValue' in the 'field' list and checks that the corresponding 'field' checkbox is selected
    • bulkEditOperationDetailsSetAs

      public void bulkEditOperationDetailsSetAs(Map<String,String> fields)
      Chooses the bulk action(s) you wish to perform on the selected issue.
      if a field is not to be selected place "" in place of it.
      Used in Operation Details
      fields - A map woth field ids as keys and field values (have to be simple Strings) as values.
    • bulkEditConfirmEdit

      public void bulkEditConfirmEdit(Map<String,String> fields)
      Checks in step Confirmation of edit operation before confirming, whether or not the selected fields have been made
      DOES NOT goto the issues change log and check that they are changed after confirmation... something to consider testing...
      fields - a map with field ids as keys and simple Strings as values.
    • bulkChangeConfirm

      public void bulkChangeConfirm()
      Clicks on the 'Confirm' button on the confirmation steps
    • bulkChangeCancel

      public void bulkChangeCancel()
      Clicks on the 'Cancel' button on any of the bulk change steps
    • bulkChangeChooseIssuesAll

      public void bulkChangeChooseIssuesAll()
      selects the checkbox with id all
      Used in the Step Choose Issues
    • chooseOperationExecuteWorfklowTransition

      public void chooseOperationExecuteWorfklowTransition()
      Chooses the Execute Worfklow Action radio button in the Step Choose Operation
    • chooseOperationBulkMove

      public void chooseOperationBulkMove()
      Chooses the Move Operation radio button in the Step Choose Operation
    • deleteAllIssuesInAllPages

      public void deleteAllIssuesInAllPages()