Package com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status.daterange

package com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status.daterange
Contains the acceptance tests responsible of verifying that a user is able to query all the issues that were in a particular status in a set date range.

There are three types of ranges that can be specified:

BEFORE date_value

Defines an implicit range of dates ending at a specified date. The range excludes the end date.

Example JQL query: WAS resolved BEFORE '2011-05-25 09:30'

AFTER date_value

Defines an implicit range of dates starting at a specified date. The range excludes the start date.

Example JQL query: WAS resolved AFTER '2011-05-25 09:30'

DURING date_range

Defines an explicit range of dates starting at one date and ending at another date. The range includes both the start and the end date.

Example JQL query: WAS resolved DURING ('2011-05-25 09:30', '2011-05-30 09:30)

See Also: