Package com.atlassian.jira.web.session
package com.atlassian.jira.web.session
ClassDescriptionDeprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information in server side HttpSession is not Vertigo alignedDeprecated.since 7.1 Storing information in server side HttpSession is not Vertigo alignedDeprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Deprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.