Package com.atlassian.jira.web.servlet
package com.atlassian.jira.web.servlet
ClassDescriptionAbstract servlet to serve avatar imagesThis servlet can bundle the attachments of an issue into a ZIP file, or unzip a specific entry of a named attachment.Thrown to represent a "400 Bad Request" status code.Dispatches requests, buffering the contents of the response and returning it as a String.Representation of attachment used mainly in ViewAttachment/ViewTemporaryAttachment servlets and supporting classes.This is used to serve up download references in JIRA plugins.Utility methods for setting headers on the HTTP response.Analytics endpoint for KB-Article click analytics.Servlet which handles requests from the config migration screen of johnsonResponds with a JSON-ified version of the current Johnson
s.REST endpoint to clear Johnson dismissible events -- if JIRA is already set up then the admin credentials must be supplied.This class can sniff a file according to the current JIRA settings and determine how an attachment should be handledThe requested range is not satisfiable as per RFC-7233.This servlet is responsible for setting up the VelocityContext used in the searchrequest views (i.e.: Printable, XML, etc).Serves avatar images for projects.Streams out an avatar image that has just been uploaded so that cropping/scaling operations can be performed.This class only resposibility is to fetch implemmentaion from DI contaier and forward request to it.Serves avatar images for users.