Package com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue
package com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue
ClassDescriptionThis class should be extended by any action that modifies issues and can have an associated comment.Abstract class for issue conversion Contains all do* methods and vast majority of logicBase class for an issue link action.An abstract action that should be extended by any action which wants to 'select' an issueResponsible for rendering the attach file form and converting temporary attachments to real attachments linked to an issue.Used by inline-file-attach.js to upload temporary attachments that can then be converted to real attachments lateron.Class encapsulating behaviour on the "issue picker" popup shown when linking issues.This beautifully named action is in fact the Issue Transition screen.Main action for converting Issue to sub-task All do* methods in
Main action for converting Sub-tasks into Issues All do* methods inAbstractConvertIssue
struct for holding name:value string pairs.This action creates a new worklogThe default implementation ofIssueMetadataHelper
.This class maintains a list of temporary attachments uploaded by a user.This action deletes an existing worklogDeprecated.A helper that insertsIssue
metadata into aWebResourceManager
.Constants extracted out from the old IssueNavigator.javaDeprecated.Since 7.1.Utility for getting search results for issue navigationUtility for determining tool options to display on the issue navigatorUtility for determining view options to display on the issue navigatorResponsible for controlling the rendering of the Issue Picker control.Utility methods that allow you to get the limits that are imposed by JIRA configuration properties.Utility methods that allow you to get the limits that are imposed by JIRA configuration properties.Interface that should be implemented by actions that wish to have search results displayed in the navigator table.If an action wishes to use the 'issuesummary' decorator, then it must implement IssueSummaryAwareDeprecated.Since v5.0.Step during the move issue wizard to migrate the issue types of sub-tasks whose issue type is not valid in the destination project.This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issuesDeprecated.since 7.1 Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted.Some utility code shared between the searching actions.Interface that should be implemented by actions which wish to display search requests with multiple views (both system defined and pluginised ones).Value container for search results helperThis is a simple error screen which displays a message about a session timeout.Deprecated.UseTemporaryWebAttachmentManager
instead.Temporary web attachments monitor is responsible for keeping temporary attachments uploaded by user.Deprecated.UseIssueService
instead.This action updates an existing worklogAction to add or remove votes and watches to a particular issue.
instead (will be moved into jira-core).