Package com.atlassian.jira.pageobjects.elements
package com.atlassian.jira.pageobjects.elements
ClassDescriptionRepresents an individual AUI notification flag.Generic AUI messages, error warning successUtilities for finding and manipulating AUI messages on JIRA forms.Represents an AuiSelect2 componentRepresents an AuiSingleSelect componentAvatar links come in two shapes: old imageUrl links and real link to avatars.A downloadable element.Represents a collection of AUI messages in a given context (form).Use this annotation to locate a common form title element on JIRA page.JIRA 6.4 introduced global notification flags.Global AUI message.Any HTML image.A link element: <a>.PageObject to interact with "Used By [X IssueTypes] [in] [Y Projects]" lozengePageObject to interact with "Used By [X IssueTypes] [in] [Y Projects]" lozenge using Atlaskit Popup componentMatchers for Aui Messages.