Package com.atlassian.jira.jql.validator
package com.atlassian.jira.jql.validator
ClassDescriptionAn abstract Validator for the User field clausesThe Affected Version clause validator.Validation for the "all text fields" clause.A Validator for the Assignee field clausesClause validator for the attachments clause.A validator for cascading select custom fields.Validat the chnaged clause against any field.Validates a clause and adds human readable i18n'ed messages if there is a problem.A clause validator for the comment system field.An Validator for the component field clausesClause validator for the Created Date system field.A Validator for the Creator field clausesCurrent Estimate validatorAll the date validators essentially do the same thing - validate against operators and then against the date values.A clause validator for the description system field.Clause validator for the Due Date system field.Base class for ClauseValidators applied to property clauses.A clause validator for environment system field.A validator for exact text custom fields.The Fix Version clause validator.A generic validator for text fieldsGroup custom field clause validatorValidates that the values in a history clause are valid for a field.Validates the operand in a HistoryPredicateClause validator for the "IssueKey" clause.Clause validator for the "issueLinkTypes" clause.Clause validator for the "Issue Parent" clause.A validator that checks to see if an issue security level exists and is visible to the user creating the search.A Validator for the Issue Types field clausesA validator for the Labels field that is a simple wrapper around the text field validator.Clause validator for the Last Viewed Date system field.All the date validators essentially do the same thing - validate against operators and then against the date values.A validator for number custom fields.Simple Function Operand Validator that validates the number of arguments in the
.Performs global validation about where it is appropriate to use anOperator
.Responsible for validating theStatisticAccessorBean.OrderBy
portion of aQuery
.Original Estimate validatorA simple wrapper on the ConstantsClauseValidator.A validator that checks to see if a project category exists.Validates input for project system fields.A Validator for the Reporter field clausesClause validator for the Resolution Date system field.A simple wrapper around ConstantsClauseValidator.A validator that checks to see if a saved filter exists and is visible to the user creating the search.Runs through a saved filter to determine if there is any self-reference anywhere in the nested filter.A validator for select custom fields.A validator that checks to see if a status category exists.A simple wrapper on the ConstantsClauseValidator.A validator for the summary field that is a simple wrapper around the text field validator.Does validation to determine if the operator in use is something other than the specified accepted operators and adds an error message if so.Time Spent validatorClause validator for the Updated Date system field.The Affected Version clause validator.Resolves the validators for a providedTerminalClause
.Used to perform validation over aQuery
.The Affected Version clause validator.Votes clause validatorValidates the was clause against any field.Watches clause validatorLimits the number of wildcards in the operand.Validates Work Ratio clauses -- these can only take integers