ClassDescriptionThe default match handler used by
JiraLuceneFieldFinder.getMatches(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, String)
.This uses an Issue Sort Comparator to retrieve the issue and then, Issue)
for each document it encounters.A means of comparing two issue documents in an index, using Lucene.This used to be a cache of values but it was found that it consumed a hell of a lot of memory for no benefit (JRA-10111).Similar toStringSortComparatorSource
, this class supplies a Low Memory variant of Lucene's LongComparator.This Sort Comparator uses a mixed strategy to retrieve the term values.AllowsJiraLuceneFieldFinder
to handle matched terms in a customised way.A match handler that assumes all values it will only ever see one value per document.This supplies a Low Memory variant of Lucene's TermOrdValComparator.Creates a new comparator that sorts based on UserHistory timestamp