ClassDescriptionClass to create the
for the Affects version clause.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theAssigneeSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the comments clause.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theComponentsSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the created date clause.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theCreatorSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the description field.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the Due Date field.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the description field.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the "Fix For" field.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the "Issue Links" system field (IssueLinksSystemField
).Class to create theSearchHandler
for theIssueTypeSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the labels field.Class to create theSearchHandler
for thePrioritySystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theProjectSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theReporterSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theResolutionDateSystemField
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theResolutionDateSystemField
.Factory to createSearchHandler
instances.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theStatusSearchHandlerFactory
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theSummarySearchHandlerFactory
.Creates a SearchHandler for text ~ searches.Class to create theSearchHandler
for theUpdatedDateSearchHandlerFactory
.Class to create theSearchHandler
for the work ratio clause.