Class MockCustomField

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurableField<Object>, CustomField, DefaultValueField<Object>, Field, HideableField, NavigableField, OrderableField<Object>, RenderableField, RequirableField, RestAwareField, RestFieldOperations, SearchableField, Comparable

public class MockCustomField extends Object implements CustomField
Simple implementation of CustomField for.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isInScope

      public boolean isInScope(Project project, List<String> issueTypeIds)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Determines if this custom field is within the scope of the given project, and list of Issue Types.
      Specified by:
      isInScope in interface CustomField
      project - The project.
      issueTypeIds - A list of IssueType ids.
      true if this custom field is within the given scope.
    • isInScope

      public boolean isInScope(long projectId, String issueTypeId)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Determines if this custom field is within the scope of the given project, and Issue Type.
      Specified by:
      isInScope in interface CustomField
      projectId - The project.
      issueTypeId - The issueTypeId
      true if this custom field is within the given scope.
      See Also:
    • isInScopeForSearch

      public boolean isInScopeForSearch(Project project, List<String> issueTypeIds)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Determines if this custom field is within the scope of the given project, and list of Issue Types.

      If the project is null, then it is treated as any project. If the issueTypeIds list is null or an empty list, then it is treated as any issue type.

      If the passed project is any project, this method will search in all the FieldConfigScheme of this custom field, ignoring the projects that they apply to (since the given project is any) and looking for at least one of them that applies to at least one of the given issue type ids.

      If the passed list of issue types is any issue type, this method will search for at least one FieldConfigScheme that applies to the given project, ignoring the issue types that it applies to (since the given issue type ids are any).

      If both the project and issue types are any, the question being asked is "is this custom field in the scope of any project and any issue type?", which will always be true.

      Specified by:
      isInScopeForSearch in interface CustomField
    • isInScope

      public boolean isInScope(SearchContext searchContext)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Determines whether this custom field is in scope.
      Specified by:
      isInScope in interface CustomField
      searchContext - search context
      true if this field is in scope
    • getGenericValue

      public org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue getGenericValue()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a generic value that represents this custom field
      Specified by:
      getGenericValue in interface CustomField
      generic value of this custom field
    • compare

      public int compare(Issue issue1, Issue issue2) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      This method compares the values of this custom field in two given issues.

      Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the value of first issue is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the second issue.

      If either of given issues is null a IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

      Specified by:
      compare in interface CustomField
      issue1 - issue to compare
      issue2 - issue to compare
      a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the value of first issue is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the second issue
      IllegalArgumentException - if any of given issues is null
    • getCustomFieldValues

      public CustomFieldParams getCustomFieldValues(Map customFieldValuesHolder)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Get the custom field string values that are relevant to this particular custom field
      Specified by:
      getCustomFieldValues in interface CustomField
      customFieldValuesHolder - containing all params
      a CustomFieldParams of String objects
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Retrieves and returns the Object representing the this CustomField value for the given issue. See CustomFieldType.getValueFromIssue(CustomField, Issue). This is only used to communicate with the 'view' JSP. Multiselects will return a list, dates a date, etc.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface CustomField
      issue - issue to retrieve the value from
      Object representing the this CustomField value for the given issue
      See Also:
    • remove

      public Set<Long> remove()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Removes this custom field and returns a set of issue IDs of all issues that are affected by removal of this custom field.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface CustomField
      a set of issue IDs of affected issues
    • getOptions

      public Options getOptions(String key, JiraContextNode jiraContextNode)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns options for this custom field if it is of MultipleCustomFieldType type. Otherwise, returns null.

      As this is just used by the view layer, it can be a list of objects

      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface CustomField
      key - not used
      jiraContextNode - Jira's context node - used to retrieve the relevant config
      options for this custom field if it is of MultipleCustomFieldType type, null otherwise
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns the 1i8n'ed description of this custom field. To render views for the custom field description, prefer CustomField.getDescriptionProperty().
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface CustomField
      the description of this custom field
    • getDescriptionProperty

      @Nonnull public RenderableProperty getDescriptionProperty()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a RenderableProperty for rendering this custom field's description.
      Specified by:
      getDescriptionProperty in interface CustomField
      a read-only RenderableProperty
    • getCustomFieldSearcher

      public CustomFieldSearcher getCustomFieldSearcher()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Retrieves the CustomFieldSearcher for this custom field. The searcher, if found is initialized with this custom field before it is returned.
      Specified by:
      getCustomFieldSearcher in interface CustomField
      found custom field searcher or null, if none found
    • setSearcher

      public MockCustomField setSearcher(CustomFieldSearcher searcher)
    • isEditable

      public boolean isEditable()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns true if this custom field can be edited, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      isEditable in interface CustomField
      true if this custom field can be edited, false otherwise
    • getIdAsLong

      public Long getIdAsLong()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns ID of this custom field.
      Specified by:
      getIdAsLong in interface CustomField
      ID of this custom field
    • getLastValueUpdate

      public Timestamp getLastValueUpdate()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns the latest date of either: - creation date of an issue with a non default value of the custom field - issue update date when value of the custom field has been changed
      Specified by:
      getLastValueUpdate in interface CustomField
      last update of the custom field
    • getIssuesWithValue

      public Long getIssuesWithValue()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns number of issues containing at least one non empty value for the custom field.
      Specified by:
      getIssuesWithValue in interface CustomField
      number of issues with the non empty custom field
    • getConfigurationSchemes

      @Nonnull public List<FieldConfigScheme> getConfigurationSchemes()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a list of configuration schemes.
      Specified by:
      getConfigurationSchemes in interface CustomField
      a list of FieldConfigScheme objects.
    • getOptions

      public Options getOptions(String key, FieldConfig config, JiraContextNode contextNode)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns options for this custom field if it is of MultipleCustomFieldType type. Otherwise returns null.

      As this is just used by the view layer, it can be a list of objects

      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface CustomField
      key - not used
      config - relevant field config
      contextNode - JIRA context node
      options for this custom field if it is of MultipleCustomFieldType type, null otherwise
    • getOptions

      public Options getOptions(FieldConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns options for this custom field if it is of MultipleCustomFieldType type. Null otherwise.

      As this is just used by the view layer, it can be a list of objects

      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface CustomField
      config - relevant field config
      options for this custom field if it is of MultipleCustomFieldType type, null otherwise
    • getRelevantConfig

      public FieldConfig getRelevantConfig(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a relevant FieldConfig for the given issue. If the field has a config for the issue then one will be returned, otherwise null is returned.

      For example, if we have 2 projects: project A and project B, and a custom field is configured to be only applicable to project A, calling getRelevantConfig with an issue from project A should return the config (i.e. not null). Calling this method with an issue from project B should return null.

      Specified by:
      getRelevantConfig in interface CustomField
      issue - issue whose project and issue type will be used to check if the field has a config
      an instance of FieldConfig representing the configuration of the field for issue's project/issue type. If the field does not have a config for issue's project/issue type, null is returned.
      See Also:
    • validateFromActionParams

      public void validateFromActionParams(Map actionParameters, ErrorCollection errorCollection, FieldConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Validates relevant parameters on custom field type of this custom field. Any errors found are added to the given errorCollection. See CustomFieldType.validateFromParams(CustomFieldParams, ErrorCollection, FieldConfig)
      Specified by:
      validateFromActionParams in interface CustomField
      actionParameters - action parameters
      errorCollection - error collection to add errors to
      config - field config
    • getDefaultValueOperations

      public DefaultValueOperations<Object> getDefaultValueOperations()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultValueOperations in interface DefaultValueField<Object>
    • getConfigurationItemTypes

      public List<FieldConfigItemType> getConfigurationItemTypes()
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurableField
      Returns a List of FieldConfigItemType objects. This opens up possibilties for configurable custom fields
      Specified by:
      getConfigurationItemTypes in interface ConfigurableField<Object>
      List of FieldConfigItemType @Nonnull
    • getAssociatedProjectObjects

      @Nonnull public List<Project> getAssociatedProjectObjects()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a list of Projects directly associated with this CustomField.

      This method can return an empty result when the CustomField is associated with all Projects. Please use CustomField.isAllProjects() prior to this method to detect this."

      Specified by:
      getAssociatedProjectObjects in interface ConfigurableField<Object>
      Specified by:
      getAssociatedProjectObjects in interface CustomField
      a list of Projects directly associated with this CustomField.
    • getAssociatedIssueTypes

      @Nonnull public List<IssueType> getAssociatedIssueTypes()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a list of IssueTypes directly associated with this CustomField.

      In case when this CustomField CustomField.isAllIssueTypes() it will be associated with all IssueTypes but this method can still return empty result.

      Specified by:
      getAssociatedIssueTypes in interface CustomField
      a list of IssueTypes directly associated with this CustomField.
    • getAssociatedIssueTypeObjects

      public List<IssueType> getAssociatedIssueTypeObjects()
      Specified by:
      getAssociatedIssueTypeObjects in interface CustomField
      See Also:
    • isGlobal

      public boolean isGlobal()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns true if this custom field applies for all projects and all issue types.
      Specified by:
      isGlobal in interface CustomField
      true if it is in all projects and all issue types, false otherwise.
    • isAllProjects

      public boolean isAllProjects()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Checks whether this custom field applies for all projects. It returns true if it applies for all projects for any field configuration scheme, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      isAllProjects in interface CustomField
      true if it applies for all projects for any field configuration scheme, false otherwise.
    • isAllIssueTypes

      public boolean isAllIssueTypes()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns true if it applies for all issue types, false otherwise.
      Specified by:
      isAllIssueTypes in interface CustomField
      true if it applies for all issue types, false otherwise.
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns true if any configuration scheme returned by CustomField.getConfigurationSchemes() is enabled.
      Specified by:
      isEnabled in interface CustomField
      true if any configuration scheme is enabled, false otherwise
    • getCustomFieldType

      public CustomFieldType getCustomFieldType()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Looks up the CustomFieldType. It can return null if the custom field type cannot be found in the CustomFieldManager.
      Specified by:
      getCustomFieldType in interface CustomField
      custom field type
    • setCustomFieldType

      public MockCustomField setCustomFieldType(CustomFieldType type)
    • createCustomFieldType

      public MockCustomFieldType createCustomFieldType()
    • setGlobal

      public MockCustomField setGlobal(boolean isGlobal)
    • setAssociatedIssueTypes

      public MockCustomField setAssociatedIssueTypes(List<IssueType> issueTypes)
    • setIsAllIssueTypes

      public MockCustomField setIsAllIssueTypes(boolean isAllIssueTypes)
    • setIsAllProjects

      public MockCustomField setIsAllProjects(boolean isAllProjects)
    • setAssociatedProjectObjects

      public MockCustomField setAssociatedProjectObjects(List<Project> projectObjects)
    • isRelevantForIssueContext

      public boolean isRelevantForIssueContext(IssueContext issueContext)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns true if the custom field has a config for the Project and Issue Type of the given IssueContext.

      This is equivalent to calling

        getRelevantConfig(issueContext) != null
      but in general can run faster because it does not have to resolve the actual FieldConfig.
      Specified by:
      isRelevantForIssueContext in interface CustomField
      issueContext - IssueContext whose project and issue type will be used to check if the field has a config
      an instance of FieldConfig representing the configuration of the field for issue's project/issue type. If the field does not have a config for issue's project/issue type, null is returned.
      See Also:
    • getRelevantConfig

      public FieldConfig getRelevantConfig(IssueContext issueContext)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns the relevant field config of this custom field for the give issue context
      Specified by:
      getRelevantConfig in interface ConfigurableField<Object>
      Specified by:
      getRelevantConfig in interface CustomField
      issueContext - issue context to find the relevant field config for
      the relevant field config of this custom field for the give issue context
      See Also:
    • getReleventConfig

      public FieldConfig getReleventConfig(SearchContext searchContext)
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      The FieldConfig that is relevent to all issue contexts in the search context Checks that all configs within search context are the same - i.e. all null or all the same config.

      Returns null if any two configs are different.

      Note: null config is not equal to non-null config. Previously, a non-null config was returned even if the first config(s) was null.

      Specified by:
      getReleventConfig in interface CustomField
      searchContext - search context
      null if any two configs are different
    • getClauseNames

      public ClauseNames getClauseNames()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Return the JQL clause names that this custom field should be recognized by.
      Specified by:
      getClauseNames in interface CustomField
      the clause names this custom field should be recognized by.
    • getColumnHeadingKey

      public String getColumnHeadingKey()
      Specified by:
      getColumnHeadingKey in interface NavigableField
    • getColumnCssClass

      public String getColumnCssClass()
      Specified by:
      getColumnCssClass in interface NavigableField
    • getDefaultSortOrder

      public String getDefaultSortOrder()
      Description copied from interface: NavigableField
      The order in which to sort the field when it is sorted for the first time.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultSortOrder in interface NavigableField
      Either NavigableField.ORDER_ASCENDING or NavigableField.ORDER_DESCENDING
    • getSortComparatorSource

      public getSortComparatorSource()
      Description copied from interface: NavigableField
      A sortComparatorSource object to be used for sorting columns in a table. In most cases this will use a MappedSortComparator using the NavigableField.getSorter() method. However, fields can provide any sorting mechanism that they wish.

      If a field can be sorted directly using terms in the Lucene index then the field should implement NavigableField.getSortFields(boolean sortOrder) rather than this method.

      In large installations custom sorting may incur a maor performance penalty.

      Specified by:
      getSortComparatorSource in interface NavigableField
      A SortComparatorSource that can be used to sort, or null if this field does not use custom sorting
    • getSorter

      public LuceneFieldSorter getSorter()
      Description copied from interface: NavigableField
      A sorter to be used when sorting columns in a table. This sort uses the Lucene Document Collection and is therefore a lot faster than sorting the issues in memory.
      Specified by:
      getSorter in interface NavigableField
      A sorter that can be used to sort this field, or null depending on the value of NavigableField.getSortComparatorSource()
      See Also:
    • getSortFields

      public List<> getSortFields(boolean sortOrder)
      Description copied from interface: NavigableField
      Return a list of Lucene SortFields to be used for sorting search results.

      Using this method allows the field to specify the most performant way to perform a search. If a field can be sorted directly using the term in the index then this should just return a singleton list with the sort field.

      return Collections.singletonList(new SortField(fieldName, sortOrder));

      The default implementation builds this using the FieldComparatorSource returned by NavigableField.getSortComparatorSource()

      If you implement this method there is no need to implement NavigableField.getSortComparatorSource().

      Specified by:
      getSortFields in interface NavigableField
      The name of the indexed term to be used for native Lucene sorting.
    • getColumnViewHtml

      public String getColumnViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Map displayParams, Issue issue)
      Specified by:
      getColumnViewHtml in interface NavigableField
    • getHiddenFieldId

      public String getHiddenFieldId()
      Description copied from interface: NavigableField
      Returns the id of the field to check for visibility. For example, with original estimate field need to ensure that the timetracking field is not hidden. With most fields, this is the same as their id.
      Specified by:
      getHiddenFieldId in interface NavigableField
    • prettyPrintChangeHistory

      public String prettyPrintChangeHistory(String changeHistory)
      Specified by:
      prettyPrintChangeHistory in interface NavigableField
    • prettyPrintChangeHistory

      public String prettyPrintChangeHistory(String changeHistory, I18nHelper i18nHelper)
      Description copied from interface: NavigableField
      Used for email notification templates - allows changelog to be displayed in language of the recipient.
      Specified by:
      prettyPrintChangeHistory in interface NavigableField
      changeHistory - - label
      String change history formatted according to locale in i18nHelper
    • getValueFromIssue

      public String getValueFromIssue(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: RenderableField
      Gets the value stored for this field on the provided issue.
      Specified by:
      getValueFromIssue in interface RenderableField
      issue - identifies the issue that will contain the value for this field.
      the value stored on this issue for this field, null if not applicable.
    • isRenderable

      public boolean isRenderable()
      Description copied from interface: RenderableField
      Defines if a field determines itself as renderable. This is needed because of the way that customfields are implemented. Since all the real work is done in CustomFieldTypes, if we want to treat system fields and custom fields the same way in the renderers then all custom fields must implement this interface. We therefore provide this method so that the CustomFieldImpl can delegate to the CustomFieldTypes to determine if a given custom field is renderable.
      Specified by:
      isRenderable in interface RenderableField
      true if the field is renderable, false otherwise.
    • getCreateHtml

      public String getCreateHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Returns the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.
      Specified by:
      getCreateHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
      operationContext - OperationContext
      action - Action
      issue - Issue
      the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.
    • getCreateHtml

      public String getCreateHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Returns the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.
      Specified by:
      getCreateHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
      operationContext - OperationContext
      action - Action
      issue - Issue
      displayParameters - Map of display parameters.
      the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.
    • getEditHtml

      public String getEditHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.
      Specified by:
      getEditHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
      operationContext - OperationContext
      action - Action
      issue - Issue
      HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.
    • getEditHtml

      public String getEditHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.
      Specified by:
      getEditHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
      operationContext - OperationContext
      action - Action
      issue - Issue
      displayParameters - Map of display parameters.
      HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.
    • getBulkEditHtml

      public String getBulkEditHtml(OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, Map displayParameters)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being bulk edited.
      Specified by:
      getBulkEditHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
      operationContext - OperationContext
      action - Action
      bulkEditBean - BulkEditBean
      displayParameters - Map of display parameters.
      HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.
    • getViewHtml

      public String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue)
      Specified by:
      getViewHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
    • getViewHtml

      public String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
      Specified by:
      getViewHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
    • getViewHtml

      public String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Object value, Map displayParameters)
      Specified by:
      getViewHtml in interface OrderableField<Object>
    • isShown

      public boolean isShown(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Tests field specific way to determine if it should be shown or not.
      Specified by:
      isShown in interface OrderableField<Object>
      issue - The Issue.
      true if it should be shown.
    • populateDefaults

      public void populateDefaults(Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Populate the fieldValueHolder with a value that should be shown by default when the issue has not been created yet.
      Specified by:
      populateDefaults in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldValuesHolder - The fieldValuesHolder Map to be populated.
      issue - The Issue.
    • hasParam

      public boolean hasParam(Map parameters)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Checks to see if the (web) parameters contains a relevant value with which to populate the issue
      Specified by:
      hasParam in interface OrderableField<Object>
      parameters - Map of HTTP request parameters ("Action parameters").
    • populateFromParams

      public void populateFromParams(Map fieldValuesHolder, Map parameters)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Populate the fieldValuesHolder with a value from (web) parameters.
      Specified by:
      populateFromParams in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldValuesHolder - The fieldValuesHolder Map to be populated.
      parameters - Map of HTTP parameters.
    • populateFromIssue

      public void populateFromIssue(Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Used to initialise the fieldValuesHolder from the current value of teh issue. Used, for example, when showing the Edit Issue screen to show the issue's current values.
      Specified by:
      populateFromIssue in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldValuesHolder - The fieldValuesHolder Map to be populated.
      issue - The Issue.
    • validateParams

      public void validateParams(OperationContext operationContext, ErrorCollection errorCollectionToAddTo, I18nHelper i18n, Issue issue, FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Ensure that the parameters are valid
      Specified by:
      validateParams in interface OrderableField<Object>
      operationContext - OperationContext
      errorCollectionToAddTo - ErrorCollection to add to.
      i18n - I18nHelper
      issue - This is passed to get the value of other fields that may or may not have been modified.
      fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem - FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem
    • getDefaultValue

      public Object getDefaultValue(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      The value that should be set on the issue if the field is not shown for some reason.

      For example: The user does not have permission to see the field, or the field is not part of the create screen.

      Specified by:
      getDefaultValue in interface OrderableField<Object>
      issue - the Issue.
      The default value. It can be null, or an empty collection.
    • createValue

      public void createValue(Issue issue, Object value)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Create the value of the issue in the data store.
      Specified by:
      createValue in interface OrderableField<Object>
      issue - Issue this field is part of
      value - Value to store in this field (eg. Collection for Version fields). Cannot be null.
    • updateValue

      public void updateValue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Issue issue, ModifiedValue modifiedValue, IssueChangeHolder issueChangeHolder)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Update the issue in the data store.

      Fields that are simply stored in the JIRAISSUE DB table, need not do anything here as this table is written to one time to include all fields that changed. Fields using other DB tables must update that table with the appropriate values.

      Specified by:
      updateValue in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldLayoutItem - for this field within this context
      issue - Issue this field is part of
      modifiedValue - new value to set field to. Cannot be null.
      issueChangeHolder - an object to record any changes made to the issue by this method.
    • updateIssue

      public void updateIssue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, MutableIssue issue, Map fieldValueHolder)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Record the value on the issue (not saving it to the database, see updateValue).
      Specified by:
      updateIssue in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
      issue - MutableIssue
      fieldValueHolder - Field Value Holder Map
      See Also:
    • removeValueFromIssueObject

      public void removeValueFromIssueObject(MutableIssue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Removes the field value from the given MutableIssue object.

      Note that this operation does not actually persist the change, it just clears the value from the given Issue object. The caller will still need to call #updateValue() in order to persist the change.

      Some Fields may choose to quietly ignore this request. eg The SecurityLevel Field will not remove Security Level from subtasks because the subtask must always take the Security Level of its parent issue.

      Specified by:
      removeValueFromIssueObject in interface OrderableField<Object>
      issue - The issue object to be effected.
      See Also:
    • canRemoveValueFromIssueObject

      public boolean canRemoveValueFromIssueObject(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Returns true if a call to OrderableField.removeValueFromIssueObject(com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue) will actually remove the value.

      There a few different reasons why this method may return false:

      • The OrderableField can sometimes remove the value, but it decides that it is not relevant for this Issue. eg: Security Level will ignore remove requests on a subtask, as the subtask Security is not set explicitly (it is always inherited from its parent issue).
      • It may possible to remove this value, but the OrderableField does not actually do the job, it is done through some special mechanism. eg Attachments.
      • This field is some special system field which it is invalid to remove. eg Project. In these cases calling removeValueFromIssueObject() would normally raise an UnsupportedOperationException.
      In general it is safe to call removeValueFromIssueObject() even if this method returns false, as the request will be silently ignored. However there are a couple of special fields where calling removeValueFromIssueObject() will throw an UnsupportedOperationException - eg if you try to remove the Project.

      Specified by:
      canRemoveValueFromIssueObject in interface OrderableField<Object>
      issue - The Issue object.
      true if a call to OrderableField.removeValueFromIssueObject(com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue) will actually remove the value.
      See Also:
    • needsMove

      public MessagedResult needsMove(Collection originalIssues, Issue targetIssue, FieldLayoutItem targetFieldLayoutItem)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Used to determine if the field needs input from user to be moved to the new project and/or issue type. This method is called only if the field is visible in the target project/issue type.
      Specified by:
      needsMove in interface OrderableField<Object>
      originalIssues - Collection of original Issues.
      targetIssue - Nonexistent issue object with values representing those of issue(s) after move
      targetFieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
      A MessagedResult with result=true if the field needs input to be moved.
    • populateForMove

      public void populateForMove(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder, Issue originalIssue, Issue targetIssue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Used to populate the fieldValueHolder with parameters for move issue screen. This field is only called if the issue needs to be updated during move, i.e. OrderableField.needsMove(java.util.Collection, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutItem) returned true, and the remote user (the one performing the move) has the permission to actually update this field.
      Specified by:
      populateForMove in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldValuesHolder - Map of field Values.
      originalIssue - orignal Issue
      targetIssue - target Issue
    • hasValue

      public boolean hasValue(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Determines if the field has a value for the given issue.
      Specified by:
      hasValue in interface OrderableField<Object>
      issue - the Issue.
      true if the given Issue has a value for this field.
    • availableForBulkEdit

      public String availableForBulkEdit(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Determines whether the field is available for bulk editing given the BulkEditBean.
      Specified by:
      availableForBulkEdit in interface OrderableField<Object>
      bulkEditBean - holds the state of the bulk-edit wizard (e.g. the selected issues for bulk editing)
      null if the field is available for bulk-editing or an i18n key of the error message to show as why the field is not available.
    • getValueFromParams

      public Object getValueFromParams(Map params) throws FieldValidationException
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Get a field value from the map of parameters passed. The params map may contain other parameters that are not relevant to this custom field.
      Specified by:
      getValueFromParams in interface OrderableField<Object>
      params - the map of parameters.
      Value for this field from the map of parameters.
      FieldValidationException - if there is a problem with Field Validation.
    • populateParamsFromString

      public void populateParamsFromString(Map fieldValuesHolder, String stringValue, Issue issue) throws FieldValidationException
      Description copied from interface: OrderableField
      Used to convert from a user friendly string value and put the result into the fieldValuesHolder. This method is useful for places like Jelly where the field value can be a name (e.g. issue type name) and not a regular id that is used in the web pages.
      Specified by:
      populateParamsFromString in interface OrderableField<Object>
      fieldValuesHolder - Map of field Values.
      stringValue - user friendly string value
      issue - the Issue
      FieldValidationException - if cannot convert to a value from the given string
    • createAssociatedSearchHandler

      public SearchHandler createAssociatedSearchHandler()
      Description copied from interface: SearchableField
      Return SearchHandler for the field. This object tells JIRA how to search for values within the field.
      Specified by:
      createAssociatedSearchHandler in interface SearchableField
      the SearchHandler associated with the field. Can return null when no searcher is associated with the field. This will mainly happen when a customfield is configured to have no searcher.
    • getFieldTypeInfo

      public FieldTypeInfo getFieldTypeInfo(FieldTypeInfoContext fieldTypeInfoContext)
      Description copied from interface: RestAwareField
      Returns lower level Information about the field. This information contains allowed values and/or the autocomplete url
      Specified by:
      getFieldTypeInfo in interface RestAwareField
      fieldTypeInfoContext - the FieldTypeInfoContext contains context information that is relevant to generate the FieldTypeInfo
    • getJsonSchema

      public JsonType getJsonSchema()
      Description copied from interface: RestAwareField
      Return a description of the shape of this field when represented as JSON.
      Specified by:
      getJsonSchema in interface RestAwareField
    • getJsonFromIssue

      public FieldJsonRepresentation getJsonFromIssue(Issue issue, boolean renderedVersionRequested, @Nullable FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem)
      Description copied from interface: RestAwareField
      Return a FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.
      Specified by:
      getJsonFromIssue in interface RestAwareField
      issue - to get field data from
      renderedVersionRequested - whether the use requested the return of rendered/pretty data as well as raw data
      fieldLayoutItem - field layout for this field. Will only be supplied if the field is also an ordereable field.
      FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.
    • getRestFieldOperation

      public RestFieldOperationsHandler getRestFieldOperation()
      Specified by:
      getRestFieldOperation in interface RestFieldOperations
      the RestFieldOperationsHandler for this field.
    • getJsonDefaultValue

      public JsonData getJsonDefaultValue(IssueContext issueCtx)
      Description copied from interface: RestFieldOperations
      Return The default data for this system field. May be null if there is no default.
      Specified by:
      getJsonDefaultValue in interface RestFieldOperations
      issueCtx - Issue (This should really only need to be an issue context, but for historical reasons we need an issue object.
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: Field
      The unique id of the field
      Specified by:
      getId in interface Field
      Specified by:
      getId in interface RenderableField
      the identifier for this RenderableField.
    • setId

      public MockCustomField setId(String id)
    • getNameKey

      public String getNameKey()
      Description copied from interface: Field
      The i18n key that is used to lookup the field's name when it is displayed
      Specified by:
      getNameKey in interface Field
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Field
      Returns i18n'ed name of the field.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Field
    • getFieldName

      public String getFieldName()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns the title of this custom field.
      Specified by:
      getFieldName in interface CustomField
      the title of this custom field
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Object o)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getPropertySet

      public com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet getPropertySet()
      Specified by:
      getPropertySet in interface CustomField
    • getUntranslatedDescription

      public String getUntranslatedDescription()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns the description of this custom field by reading CustomField.ENTITY_DESCRIPTION of the underlying generic value.
      Specified by:
      getUntranslatedDescription in interface CustomField
      the description of this custom field
    • getUntranslatedName

      public String getUntranslatedName()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns the name of this custom field by reading CustomField.ENTITY_NAME of the underlying generic value.
      Specified by:
      getUntranslatedName in interface CustomField
      the name of this custom field
    • getUntranslatedDescriptionProperty

      @Nonnull public RenderableProperty getUntranslatedDescriptionProperty()
      Description copied from interface: CustomField
      Returns a RenderableProperty for rendering this custom field's untranslated description, for admin.
      Specified by:
      getUntranslatedDescriptionProperty in interface CustomField
      a read-only RenderableProperty