Package com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.populator
package com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.populator
ClassDescriptionUsed to populate the BackupOverview object.Populates the comments length in the BackupOverview objectPopulates
, andBackupOverviewBuilder.FieldConfigSchemeIssueType
objects from the custom field and custom field configuration data in a backup XML file.Populates the issue id's in the BackupOverview objectConverts PluginVersion information and sets it on theBackupOverviewPopulator
.Populates aBackupOverview
with project component information.Converts the project information and sets it intoBackupOverview
.Populates theBackupOverview
with version information.This BackupOverviewPopulator reads System Info from OSProperty values and adds it to the BackupOverviewBuilder.