Package com.atlassian.jira.filestore
package com.atlassian.jira.filestore
ClassDescriptionProvides the
for storing attachments.This class is responsible for determining whichAttachmentFileStoreProvider
should be loaded by Pico.This class is responsible for choosing an AvatarFileStoreProvider implementation based on configuration.FileStoreProvider dedicated to backups.This class is responsible for choosing a BackupFileStoreProvider implementation based on configuration.Holds analytic info about FileStore.Class to store stats related to file store configuration.Checks that the given filestore is accessible and writeableResult when checking the connection to the selected file store.This class provides textual information about a file store to be presented to admins in the avatars and attachments settings pages.A builder forFileStoreInformation
instances.An entry in the file store information that can be internationalized.A view of the file store information that has been internationalized, this should not be constructed directly, instead useFileStoreInformation.getInternationalizedView(I18nHelper)
.A class that provides information of when filestore-config.xml file has invalid contentsProvides aFileStore
's base path.This is internal utility exposed for jira-statistics-pluginAn abstract class that provides a common implementation for reading S3 configuration from system propertiesAttachment file store provider for when attachments are stored on the file system.Backup file store provider for when attachments are stored on the file system.AnAttachmentFileStoreProvider
that is only used when Jira fails to create a valid file store provider for attachments.A no-op implementation ofBackupFileStoreProvider
that does nothing.Attachment file store provider for when attachments are stored in S3.Backup file store provider for when attachments are stored in S3.An abstract class that provides a common implementation for file store providers backed by S3.