Class Select


public class Select extends Object
Select is the entry point to building up a SelectQuery which can be run in OfBiz Entity Engine.


 SelectQuery<GenericValue> query = Select.columns().from("FilterSubscription")
      .whereEqual("group", (String) null)
      .andEqual("username", username)
      .orderBy("id desc");

If you are selecting a single column, then you can it can return String objects instead of GenericValues like

 SelectQuery<String> query = Select.distinctString("username").from("FilterSubscription");
 List<String> vals = query.runWith(delegator).asList();

You can also use an EntityFactory to automatically convert the GenericValues to other entity objects.

 List<ProjectCategory> categories = Select.from(Entity.PROJECT_CATEGORY).runWith(delegator).asList();
  • Constructor Details

    • Select

      public Select()
  • Method Details

    • columns

      public static Select.SelectColumnsContext columns(List<String> columns)
      Begins a SELECT query that will only retrieve the specified columns.
      columns - the list of fields to retrieve; must not be null or contain any null values
      a partially constructed query; use .from(entityName) to continue building it
    • columns

      public static Select.SelectColumnsContext columns(String... columns)
      Begins a SELECT query that will only retrieve the specified columns.
      columns - the fields to retrieve; must not be null or contain any null values
      a partially constructed query; use .from(entityName) to continue building it
    • distinct

      public static Select.SelectColumnsContext distinct(String... columns)
      Begins a SELECT DISTINCT query that will only retrieve the specified columns.
      columns - the fields to retrieve; must not be null or contain any null values
      a partially constructed query; use .from(entityName) to continue building it
    • id

      Begins a SELECT query that will only retrieve the "id" field, which must use Long values.

      WARNING: Not suitable for use with "id" columns that return a String, such as those used for issue constants.

      a partially constructed query; use .from(entityName) to continue building it
    • distinctString

      public static Select.SelectSingleColumnContext<String> distinctString(String columnName)
      Begins a SELECT DISTINCT query that will only retrieve the specified String column.
      columnName - the field to query
      a partially constructed query; use .from(entityName) to continue building it
    • stringColumn

      public static Select.SelectSingleColumnContext<String> stringColumn(String columnName)
      Begins a SELECT query that will only retrieve the specified String column.
      columnName - the field to query
      a partially constructed query; use .from(entityName) to continue building it
    • from

      public static <E> Select.SelectColumnsFromContext<E> from(NamedEntityBuilder<E> entityFactory)
      Begins a SELECT * query for the specified entity factory.

      As the query returns results, is used on each value to yield its corresponding entity value.

      Type Parameters:
      E - the entity type that this query will yield, as inferred from its factory
      entityFactory - the entity factory to use for coverting GenericValue to the desired return type
      a partially constructed query; use one of the .where... constraints, an orderBy, or a .runWith method to continue building it
    • from

      public static Select.SelectColumnsFromContext<org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue> from(String entityName)
      Begins a SELECT * query for the specified entity.
      entityName - the name of the entity to query
      a partially constructed query; use one of the .where... constraints, an orderBy, or a .runWith method to continue building it
    • countFrom

      public static Select.SelectColumnsFromContext<Long> countFrom(String entityName)
      Builds a "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ..." query for the given entity.

      For example:

       long count = Select.countFrom(Entity.Name.COMMENT)
                          .whereEqual("author", userKey)

      This method requires the existence of a "Count" view in the entity model, which has not been defined for all entities. Consider building a normal query with .count() as the finishing action for a more flexible alternative.

      entityName - the Entity
      a query builder for a "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ..." query