Package com.atlassian.jira.database
package com.atlassian.jira.database
ClassDescriptionWraps a DB connection and delegates all calls to that underlying connection.Provides access to the database from within the bootstrap container if and only if the database has actually been configured.A callback interface that gives access to a managed database connection.Provides access to database connections from the Database Connection Pool.A handle to a Database Connection obtained from JIRA's connection pool.Exposes the Database schema as configured in dbconfig.xmlReads the current system time from the database.Factory for choosing an appropriate
for the current database type.An enum representing the supported database vendors that JIRA can connect to.A handle to a Database Connection obtained from JIRA's connection pool.Deprecated.Default database system time reader factory implementation that creates an appropriate database system time reader based on the database type read from the currently active connection factory.Mocks out some of PreparedStatement for use as a Duck Type proxy.Mocks out some of PreparedStatement for use as a Duck Type proxy.Mocks out some of ResultSet for use as a Duck Type proxy.Extended SQLInsertClause supporting Generation of OfBiz sequence values.This class is used to preserve the behaviour that querydsl 3 had, namely reserved words are allowed as unquoted table identifiers.Since DbConnectionManager has been deprecated, this pretty much just maps everything onto MockQueryDslAccessor, instead.A wrapper around a connection that exists in a broader transaction.A callback for DB operations that gets given a managed database connection and returns results.Provides access to database connections from the Database Connection Pool with QueryDsl support built in.Returns the explain plan over a SQL statement - optionally runs Analyze.Helps you build a list of ResultRow objects for use in MockDbConnectionManager.A callback mechanism that delivers a managed DB connection.Additional query predicates not provided directly by QueryDSLJIRA officially supports a small number of database collations.