ClassDescriptionLucene IndexWriter configurationBatch mode configInteractive mode configIssue indexingMerge policy configSharedEntity indexingThese are the Lucene indexing Languages, not the languages for displaying user messages.Deprecated.No replacement needed.This can be used to lookup JIRA application properties.Checks that application properties (e.g.A class to manage the interface with a single property set, used for application propertiesThis class is responsible for loading jira's configuration properties.The PropertySet that backs the PropertiesSet needs to be Switchable - to allow the PicoContainer to manage this switching via ComponentAdapters we need an interface
providing persistenceTODO: Document this class / interface hereThis class represents the General Configuration of Jira.This builder class for buildingGeneralConfigurations
objects.Provides controlled access to system properties.Handles getting and setting of system properties.This class provides access to system properties.Provides default colors (like header background or text colors) for the ADG3 color scheme.Provides URL for logo and favicon depending on active products licences or custom set by user.Bean mainly used to maintain a version number for all the menu colours.These are the "intended" colours for the Jira Header.These are the intended colours for the new common Header.Interface for accessing system properties.This class has undergone significant change in 4.4 to support the new in line database functionality.Implementation of accessing the system properties.Keys of system properties used by JIRA to trigger different behaviour at runtime.A bean responsible for storing and maintaining the system hash component of the resource URIs.A minimal bean for use during setup.