Package com.atlassian.jira.cluster.lock
package com.atlassian.jira.cluster.lock
ClassDescriptionHeartbeat job responsible for updating node status in DB, shared home and publishing heartbeat eventsAdds the capability of releasing other nodes' locks in a ClusterLockDao.A component that ensures graceful shutdown of the
.Represents a row in the cluster heartbeat DB table.A reader and writer for shared home node status.JIRA implementation of the ClusterLockDao from the beehive clustering library.JIRA implementation of ClusterNodeHeartBeatDao - used for cluster locks.Indicator of how a node is using a shared home directory.Empty service for non-clustered environmentsCreated this class to avoid problems of dependencies in non-clustered environmentsReads the shared home status of a node.Saves the shared home node status of a node.JIRA implementation of ClusterNodeHeartbeatServiceCluster node heartbeat DAO that adds operations to retrieve database timing information.