Package com.atlassian.jira.user.anonymize
package com.atlassian.jira.user.anonymize
ClassDescriptionRepresents an entity affected by a user property change or anonymization to be shown in the UI.A link allowing to view the data relating to a particular
.Performs operations related to the anonymization process, e.g.Contains data necessary to validate and perform user anonymization.Wrapper for returning a result of user anonymization - either a validation error or the final report.Entry point for user anonymization.Contains data about anonymization process.Context for user anonymization operations.Transfers ownership of entities before a user is disabled, to make sure the system keeps working properly.Contains user keys of the user currently owning an entity, and of the user that the ownership is to be transferred to.Retry<T>Captures exceptions thrown in a given closure and allows retrying.Result with warnings from handlers.Result with warnings from handlers.Entity containingContext
that can be used for reporting progress.Deletes or anonymizes user's personal data and data only accessible by the single user.Contains identifiers of the user to be anonymized.Performs operations related to a change of a user key, e.g.Performs operations related to a change of a user name, e.g.Contains common logic used across user property change managers.Contains original and target values of the user property being changed.Contains common logic used across user property change services.Represents request to change user property.User property change validation result.