ClassDescriptionA caching implementation of the
that delegates to anotherProjectRoleAndActorStore
.This interface defines the association between a ProjectRole and a collection of default Actors.OfBiz persistent implementation.Creator of RoleActor objects that have been registered dynamically.A way to group users (RoleActors
) with projects.This is an abstraction that allows us to associate users with ProjectRoles for a project.This interface defines the association between a ProjectRole and a collection of Actors for a project.We're changing cache implementation.This is an interface that defines the storage class for ProjectRoles and RoleActors.Compares ProjectRole objects based on case insensitive name comparison.This class allows us to CRUD ProjectRoles.This class implements is backed by the map with project ID as a key and a collection of project role IDs as the mapped value of the map.Map entry that holds the project id and the collection of project role idsCreatesProjectRole
from QueryDSL tuple.This is an abstraction that allows us to associate users with ProjectRoles.ComparesRoleActor
objects case insensitively by name.Thrown if a user attemtps to add a Role Actor (Group or User) that does not exist.Create RoleActor instances.