Interface UserFormatTypeConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:
PluginsAwareUserFormatTypeConfiguration, PropertySetBackedUserFormatTypeConfiguration

public interface UserFormatTypeConfiguration

Stores configuration entries for the available user format types.

A user format type is configured against the module key of a user format module descriptor that references the user format which will be used to render a user for that user format type.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    containsType(String userFormatType)
    Whether there is a configuration entry stored for the specified type.
    Retrieves the module key of the user format descriptor configured to render the specified type.
    remove(String userFormatType)
    Removes the configuration entry for the specified type if one exists.
    setUserFormatKeyForType(String userFormatType, String moduleKey)
    Stores a configuration entry for the specified type agains a user format module descriptor key.
  • Method Details

    • setUserFormatKeyForType

      void setUserFormatKeyForType(String userFormatType, String moduleKey)
      Stores a configuration entry for the specified type agains a user format module descriptor key.
      userFormatType - the user format type to configure.
      moduleKey - The complete module key of the .
    • getUserFormatKeyForType

      String getUserFormatKeyForType(String userFormatType)
      Retrieves the module key of the user format descriptor configured to render the specified type.
      userFormatType - The type to retrieve a module key for.
      the module key of the user format descriptor configured to render the specified type, or null if there is no module key configured for that type.
    • containsType

      boolean containsType(String userFormatType)
      Whether there is a configuration entry stored for the specified type.
      userFormatType - The type find a confiuration entry for.
      true if there is configuration entry stored for the specified type; otherwise false.
    • remove

      void remove(String userFormatType)
      Removes the configuration entry for the specified type if one exists.
      userFormatType - The type to remove from the configuration.