Interface PermissionGrant

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@PublicApi public interface PermissionGrant extends WithId
Permission grant holds information about a permission granted to a certain user or group of users. It is a basic building block of PermissionSchemes.

A grant consists of two things:

A person or group of people that holds the permission, see PermissionHolder for more details.
Project permission that is being granted. For example: view issues, browse projects, add comments. Standard JIRA permissions are defined in the ProjectPermissions class

Implementations of this interface are required to be immutable.

  • Method Details

    • getId

      @Nonnull Long getId()
      Returns an id of the permission grant as stored in DB.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface WithId
      the unique id of the entity.
    • getHolder

      @Nonnull PermissionHolder getHolder()
      Returns an entity to which the permission is being granted.
    • getPermission

      @Nonnull ProjectPermissionKey getPermission()
      Returns a permission that is being granted.