Interface LicenseDetails

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultLicenseDetails, MockLicenseDetails, SubscriptionLicenseDetails

@PublicApi public interface LicenseDetails
A set of methods which describe the state of the currently installed license.
  • Method Details

    • getLicenseVersion

      int getLicenseVersion()
      Gets the version of the current license, 0 if not set. This is the version of encoder/decoder that was used with this license.
      the version of the current license, 0 if not set.
    • isEntitledToSupport

      boolean isEntitledToSupport()
      true for licenses that are entitled to support and updates of JIRA. This includes everything which is not a Personal License or Non-Commercial-Non-Renewable.
    • getJiraLicense

      com.atlassian.extras.api.jira.JiraLicense getJiraLicense()
      Retrieve the JiraLicense object corresponding to this license. This will be useful to cross-product code that wants to deal with licenses from different products consistently using the ProductLicense interface (which JiraLicense extends).
      the JiraLicense object corresponding to this license
    • getLicensedApplications

      @Nonnull LicensedApplications getLicensedApplications()
      Returns all the application/role information contained within this license, even if they are non active.
      the application/role information contained within this license.
    • hasApplication

      boolean hasApplication(@Nonnull com.atlassian.application.api.ApplicationKey application)
      Returns true if the given application is contained within this license.
      application - the application to query
      true if the application is found in this license
    • getLicenseStatusMessage

      LicenseDetails.LicenseStatusMessage getLicenseStatusMessage(I18nHelper i18n, UserManager userManager)
      Return the all messages which contain status message.
      i18n - i18n bean
      userManager - used to get user context if necessary
      the status message
    • getMaintenanceMessage

      LicenseDetails.LicenseStatusMessage getMaintenanceMessage(@Nonnull I18nHelper i18n, String applicationName)
      Get the maintenance message for this license, this does not evaluate the maintenance date, it only provides the message that should be displayed when license out of maintenance for a given JIRA Application. For subscription license no message would be returned LicenseDetails.LicenseStatusMessage.hasAnyMessages() would return false.
      i18n - i18n helper
      applicationName - JIRA Application name (trademark for display)
      the status message, subscription license would return no messages.
    • getLicenseExpiryStatusMessage

      @Deprecated String getLicenseExpiryStatusMessage(@Nullable ApplicationUser user)
      since 7.0.0 No replacement, generate your own message
      Return the HTML message that briefly describes the expiry status of the license. Intended for use with the Admin Portlet.
      user - the user for whom the message should be i18n'ed
      the status message, null for normal license outside of support period
    • getLicenseExpiryStatusMessage

      @Deprecated String getLicenseExpiryStatusMessage(I18nHelper i18n, @Nullable OutlookDate ignored)
      since 5.0 No replacement, generate your own message
      Return the HTML message that briefly describes the expiry status of the license. Intended for use with the Admin Portlet.
      i18n - i18n bean
      ignored - outlookDate bean
      the status message, null for normal license outside of support period
    • getBriefMaintenanceStatusMessage

      @Deprecated String getBriefMaintenanceStatusMessage(I18nHelper i18n)
      since 7.0.0 No replacement, generate your own message
      Return the single word description of the maintenance status of the license. Intended for use with the Support Request and System Info pages.
      i18n - i18n bean
      the status message - either "Supported", "Expired" or "Unsupported"
    • getMaintenanceExpiryDate

      @Nullable Date getMaintenanceExpiryDate()
      Returns the maintenance expiry Date of this license, or null if the maintenance period of this license is unlimited.
      the maintenance expiry Date of this license, or null if the maintenance period of this license is unlimited.
    • getMaintenanceEndString

      @Deprecated String getMaintenanceEndString(OutlookDate outlookDate)
      since 7.0.0 No replacement, generate your own message
      Return the date string representing the end of maintenance of the license, whether the license is Evaluation, New Build Old License or otherwise.

      Note that the return type here is a String to intentionally signify that this value should not be used in any logic calculations and only for displaying to the user.

      outlookDate - outlookDate bean
      the date as a string (should never be null)
    • isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers

      @Deprecated boolean isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers()
      Tells whether the current license authorise an unlimited number of users.
      true if the license authorise an unlimited number of users, false otherwise.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns the literal description of the current license as given in the license itself.
      the literal description of the current license as given in the license itself.
    • getPartnerName

      String getPartnerName()
      the Partner name inside the current license or null if its not set
    • isExpired

      boolean isExpired()
      Checks whether the license is either expired or the grace period for an extended license (after upgrade) is over.
      true if has, false otherwise.
    • getPurchaseDate

      @Deprecated String getPurchaseDate(OutlookDate outlookDate)
      Use getPurchaseDate(DateTimeFormatter) instead. Since v7.1
      Gets a nicely formatted purchase date for the current license
      outlookDate - the date formatter
      a formatted purchased date.
    • getPurchaseDate

      default String getPurchaseDate(DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter)
      Gets a nicely formatted purchase date for the current license
      dateTimeFormatter - the date formatter
      a formatted purchased date.
    • isEvaluation

      boolean isEvaluation()
      Tells whether this is an evaluation license or not
      true if this is an evaluation license, false otherwise.
    • isStarter

      boolean isStarter()
      Tells whether this is a starter license or not
      true if this is a starter license, false otherwise.
    • isPaidType

      boolean isPaidType()
      Checks whether the license type is a paid type. The paid types are ACADEMIC, COMMERCIAL, and STARTER.
      true if the license is a paid type, false otherwise.
    • isCommercial

      boolean isCommercial()
      Tells whether this is a commercial license or not
      true if this is a commercial license, false otherwise.
    • isPersonalLicense

      boolean isPersonalLicense()
      Tells whether this is a personal license or not
      true if this is a personal license, false otherwise.
    • isCommunity

      boolean isCommunity()
      Tells whether this is a community license or not
      true if this is a community license, false otherwise.
    • isOpenSource

      boolean isOpenSource()
      Tells whether this is an open source license or not
      true if this is an open source license, false otherwise.
    • isNonProfit

      boolean isNonProfit()
      Tells whether this is a non profit license or not
      true if this is a non profit license, false otherwise.
    • isDemonstration

      boolean isDemonstration()
      Tells whether this is a demonstration license or not
      true if this is a demonstration license, false otherwise.
    • isOnDemand

      boolean isOnDemand()
      Tells whether this is an OnDemand license or not
      true if this is a OnDemand, false otherwise.
    • isDataCenter

      boolean isDataCenter()
      Returns true if this is a DataCenter license.
      true if this is a DataCenter license.
    • isDeveloper

      boolean isDeveloper()
      Tells whether this is a developer license or not
      true if this is a developer license, false otherwise.
    • getOrganisation

      String getOrganisation()
      Gets the organisation this license belongs to
      the organisation this license belongs to
    • getLicenseString

      String getLicenseString()
      the encoded license string that was was decode to produce the current license. This will return null if it is not set
    • isMaintenanceValidForBuildDate

      boolean isMaintenanceValidForBuildDate(Date currentBuildDate)
      Tells whether the current build date is within the maintenance of the license
      currentBuildDate - the current build date
      true if the build date is within the maintenance period, false otherwise.
    • getSupportEntitlementNumber

      String getSupportEntitlementNumber()
      Gets the SEN from the license
      the SEN from the license
    • getContacts

      Gets the contact people for the license (e.g. Name and Email of whoever first signed up for the OD license)
      collection of contact people for the license
    • isEnterpriseLicenseAgreement

      boolean isEnterpriseLicenseAgreement()
      Indicates whether this licence is a subscription-based Enterprise License Agreement (ELA).
      true if this licence is a subscription-based Enterprise License Agreement (ELA).
    • getDaysToLicenseExpiry

      int getDaysToLicenseExpiry()
      Returns the number of days until the license expires (i.e. JIRA will enter read-only mode).

      • A value of 0 indicates that license will expire today (but is still valid).
      • A negative value indicates the number of days the license is expired.
      • A positive value indicates the number of days the license will be valid for. A value of Integer.MAX_VALUE indicates that the license will never expire.

      A partial day will be rounded down. For example, 1.5 days will be reported as 1 while -0.5 days will be reported as -1 days.

      the number of days until the license expires (i.e. JIRA will enter read-only mode)
    • getDaysToMaintenanceExpiry

      int getDaysToMaintenanceExpiry()
      Returns the number of days until the license maintenance expires (i.e. support and upgrades will cease).

      • A value of 0 indicates that license maintenance will expire today (but is still valid).
      • A negative value indicates the number of days the license maintenance is expired.
      • A positive value indicates the number of days the license maintenance will be value for. value of Integer.MAX_VALUE indicates that the license maintenance will never expire.

      A partial day will be rounded down. For example, 1.5 days will be reported as 1 while -0.5 days will be reported as -1 days.

      the number of days until the license maintenance expires (i.e. support and upgrades will cease).
    • getLicenseType

      com.atlassian.extras.api.LicenseType getLicenseType()
    • getApplicationDescription

      @Nonnull String getApplicationDescription()
      Returns a user-friendly String description of the Application(s) granted by this license. This method differs from getDescription() in that the returned String is Application-focused and heuristically determined, and does not include license type information, number of seats etc.

      If there are no Applications in the current license, then this method returns the String "JIRA".