Class BaseFieldIndexer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AffectedVersionsIndexer, AttachmentIndexer, ComponentsIndexer, CreatedDateIndexer, CurrentEstimateIndexer, DescriptionIndexer, DueDateIndexer, EnvironmentIndexer, FixForVersionsIndexer, IssueIdIndexer, IssueKeyIndexer, IssueLinkIndexer, IssueTypeIndexer, LabelsIndexer, OriginalEstimateIndexer, ParentIssueIndexer, PriorityIndexer, ProgressIndexer, ProjectIdIndexer, ResolutionDateIndexer, ResolutionIndexer, SecurityIndexer, StatusIndexer, SubTaskIndexer, SummaryIndexer, TimeSpentIndexer, UpdatedDateIndexer, UserFieldIndexer, VotesIndexer, WatchesIndexer, WorkRatioIndexer

public abstract class BaseFieldIndexer extends Object implements FieldIndexer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • indexKeyword

      public void indexKeyword(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, String fieldValue, Issue issue)
      Index a single keyword field
      doc - the document to add the field to.
      indexField - the document field name to user.
      fieldValue - the value to index. This value will NOT be folded before adding it to the document.
      issue - the issue that defines the context and contains the value we are indexing.
    • indexKeywords

      public void indexKeywords(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, String fieldValue, Issue issue)
    • indexFoldedKeyword

      public void indexFoldedKeyword(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, String fieldValue, Locale locale, Issue issue)
      Case fold the passed keyword and add it to the passed document.
      doc - the document to add the field to.
      indexField - the document field name to use.
      fieldValue - the value to index. This value will be folded before adding it to the document.
      locale - the locale to use in the case folding. Null can be passed to use the Locale given in Locale.getDefault().
      issue - the issue that defines the context and contains the value we are indexing.
      See Also:
    • indexKeywordWithDefault

      public void indexKeywordWithDefault(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, String fieldValue, String defaultValue, Issue issue)
      Index a single keyword field, with a default if the issue field is not set

      shared with CommentDocumentFactory

    • indexKeywordWithDefault

      public void indexKeywordWithDefault(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, Long aLong, String defaultValue, Issue issue)
    • indexLongAsPaddedKeywordWithDefault

      public void indexLongAsPaddedKeywordWithDefault(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, Long aLong, String defaultValue, Issue issue)
      Useful for storing a Long value for range query searches. Uses NumberTools.longToString(long) to pad and convert the value to base 36 before indexing. Does not pad the default value.
      doc - the document
      indexField - the index field id
      aLong - the long value to be converted
      defaultValue - the default value if aLong is null
      issue - the issue that defines the context and contains the value we are indexing.
    • indexLongAsPaddedKeywordWithDefault

      public void indexLongAsPaddedKeywordWithDefault(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, Long aLong, Long defaultLong, Issue issue)
      Useful for storing a Long value for range query searches. Uses NumberTools.longToString(long) to pad and convert the values to base 36 before indexing. Also pads and converts the default Value.
      doc - the document
      indexField - the index field id
      aLong - the long value to be converted
      defaultLong - the default value if aLong is null
      issue - the issue that defines the context and contains the value we are indexing.
    • indexText

      public void indexText(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, String fieldValue, Issue issue)
      Index a single text field
    • indexDateField

      public void indexDateField(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, Timestamp date, Issue issue)
      Index a single keyword field, with a date-time value
    • indexLocalDateField

      public void indexLocalDateField(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, LocalDate localDate, Issue issue)
      Index a single keyword field, with a LocalDate value
    • indexDependentEntities

      public void indexDependentEntities(Issue issue, org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String associationType, String indexField)
      Index the dependent entities of an issue.
    • indexLongAsKeyword

      public void indexLongAsKeyword(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, Long fieldValue, Issue issue)
    • indexTextForSorting

      public void indexTextForSorting(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, String indexField, String fieldValue, Issue issue)
      Index a single text field
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Object obj)
    • isFieldVisibleAndInScope

      public boolean isFieldVisibleAndInScope(Issue issue)
      Description copied from interface: FieldIndexer
      This method is used to determine if the indexer is relevant for the provided issue. This method must check the fields visibility, in relation to the field configuration scheme, must check any global flags that would enable or disable a field (such as enable votes flag), and must check, if the field is a custom field, if the custom field is relevant for this issue.

      All these checks should take into account the IssueContext as defined by the passed in issue.

      If this method returns false then the FieldIndexer, when performing addIndex, should make sure to make the indexed values have an Indexed type of org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index#NO.

      The result of this method is used to determine the correct values that should be returned when performing an empty search.

      Specified by:
      isFieldVisibleAndInScope in interface FieldIndexer
      issue - that is having a document created from.
      if true then this field is relevant for the issue, otherwise it is not.