Class HistoryMetadata


@ExperimentalApi public final class HistoryMetadata extends Object
Represents the complete set of metadata for a history changegroup.
JIRA 6.3
  • Method Details

    • getActor

      public HistoryMetadataParticipant getActor()
      The person or agent that triggered the history change
    • getGenerator

      public HistoryMetadataParticipant getGenerator()
      The system that triggered the history change
    • getCause

      public HistoryMetadataParticipant getCause()
      The event or state that triggered the history change
    • getType

      public String getType()
      A unique id to identify the plugin/system that generated this metadata
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Textual description of the change
    • getDescriptionKey

      public String getDescriptionKey()
      i18n key for the textual description of the change, will be used before description if present
    • getActivityDescription

      public String getActivityDescription()
      Textual description of the change for the activity stream
    • getActivityDescriptionKey

      public String getActivityDescriptionKey()
      i18n key for the description of the change for the activity stream, will be used before activityDescription if present
    • getEmailDescription

      public String getEmailDescription()
      Textual description of the change for notification emails
    • getEmailDescriptionKey

      public String getEmailDescriptionKey()
      i18n key for the textual description of the change for the notification email, will be used before emailDescription if present
    • getExtraData

      public Map<String,String> getExtraData()
      Additional metadata related to the history change
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      This method is implemented for usage in Unit Tests.
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      This method is implemented for usage in Unit Tests.
      equals in class Object
    • builder

      public static HistoryMetadata.HistoryMetadataBuilder builder(String type)
      type - the type of the metadata object being created
      a builder for a HistoryMetadata object