Package com.atlassian.jira.i18n
package com.atlassian.jira.i18n
ClassDescriptionCopied from sal-core.DEVSPEED-34: We wanted to properly cache the I18nBean.Simple JiraAuthenticationContext to be used in the Bootstrap container, because it is needed to show start up errors.Simple TranslationStore to be used in the Bootstrap container, because it is needed to show start up errors.As the name implies: a factory that caches for different locales
.Copied from sal-coreCopied from sal-coreSmall delegate around the CachingI18nHelperFactory that is registered in pico as the actual I18nHelper.BeanFactoryClass responsible for invalidating gadget specs cache onTerminologyCacheClearedEvent
This initializes CachingI18NFactory when JIRA is initialized.A JIRA I18nResolver.Resolves the locale for a particular request.