Interface IssueLinkService

All Known Implementing Classes:

@PublicApi public interface IssueLinkService
Provides methods to link two JIRA Issues.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getIssueLinkTypes

      Collection<IssueLinkType> getIssueLinkTypes()
      the all issue link types defined in JIRA
    • getIssueLink

      IssueLink getIssueLink(Long sourceId, Long destinationId, Long issueLinkTypeId)
      Returns the issue link or null if not found.
      sourceId - source issue id of the link
      destinationId - destination issue id of the link
      issueLinkTypeId - link type id of the link
      issue link or null if not found
    • getIssueLink

      Returns the issue link for the given id. It will return the issue link if the user has the permission to see the source and destination issue of this issue link.
      issueLinkId - issue link id.
      user - The user performing the operation
      a result that contains the issue link.
    • getIssueLinks

      Returns the issue links that the specified user can see. Will only return non-system (user-defined) links.
      user - The user performing the operation
      issue - The issue that links will retrieved on
      a result that contains the issue links
    • getIssueLinks

      IssueLinkService.IssueLinkResult getIssueLinks(ApplicationUser user, Issue issue, boolean excludeSystemLinks)
      user - The user performing the operation
      issue - The issue that links will retrieved on
      excludeSystemLinks - whether or not to exclude system links
      a result that contains the issue links
      See Also:
      • #getIssueLinks(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue)
    • validateAddIssueLinks

      IssueLinkService.AddIssueLinkValidationResult validateAddIssueLinks(ApplicationUser user, Issue issue, String linkName, Collection<String> linkKeys)
      Validates that the user provided can add the link provided for a particular issue. Validation will ensure that the user has the EDIT_ISSUE permission for the issue in question. The label will also be validated to ensure that it doesn't contain spaces and that it doesn't exceed the max length of 255 characters.

      Only user-created (i.e. non-system) links are allowed.

      user - The user performing the operation
      issue - The issue that links will be set on
      linkName - The actual link name as strings to set on the issue
      linkKeys - The collection of issue keys to link against
      a validation result, that can be used to set the labels or to display errors.
    • validateAddIssueLinks

      IssueLinkService.AddIssueLinkValidationResult validateAddIssueLinks(ApplicationUser user, Issue issue, Long issueLinkTypeId, Direction direction, Collection<String> linkKeys, boolean excludeSystemLinks)
      user - The user performing the operation
      issue - The issue that links will be set on
      issueLinkTypeId - The actual link id to set on the issue
      direction - which direction we are linking in
      linkKeys - The collection of issue keys to link against
      excludeSystemLinks - whether or not system links are okay
      a validation result, that can be used to set the labels or to display errors.
    • addIssueLinks

      Adds the issue link to the issue specified by the validation result.
      user - The user performing the operation
      result - The validation result obtained via #validateAddIssueLinks(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, String, java.util.Collection)
    • validateDelete

      Validates parameters and checks permissions, and if all checks pass it will create a IssueLinkService.DeleteIssueLinkValidationResult that can be passed to the delete(DeleteIssueLinkValidationResult) method.
      user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user)
      issue - issue the link is being deleted from
      issueLink - issue link to be deleted
      a validation result, if all validation and permission passes it will contain a validated issue link id, otherwise the issue link id will be null
    • delete

      void delete(IssueLinkService.DeleteIssueLinkValidationResult deleteValidationResult)
      Deletes the issue link with the given id from the JIRA datastore, if the current user has permission to do so.
      deleteValidationResult - contains the remote issue link id to delete. This should have been created by the #validateDelete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, method. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.