
Note: This Mojo should be used as a Maven report.

Full name:



Generate a Clover report from existing Clover databases. The generated report is an external report generated by Clover itself. If the project generating the report is a top level project and if the aggregate configuration element is set to true then an aggregated report will also be created.

Note: This report mojo should be an @aggregator and the clover:aggregate mojo shouldn't exist. This is a limitation of the site plugin which doesn't support @aggregator reports...


  • Requires a Maven 2.0 project to be executed.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
cloverMergeDatabase String - The location of the merged clover database to create when running a report in a multimodule build. Default value is: ${}/clover/cloverMerge.db.
historyDir String - The location where historical Clover data will be saved.

Note: It's recommended to modify the location of this directory so that it points to a more permanent location as the ${} directory is erased when the project is cleaned.

Default value is: ${}/clover/history.
outputDirectory File - The directory where the Clover report will be generated. Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/clover.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
charset String - The charset to use in the html reports. Default value is: UTF-8.
cloverDatabase String - The location of the Clover database.
contextFilters String - Comma or space separated list of Clover somesrcexcluded (block, statement or method filers) to exclude when generating coverage reports.
flushInterval int - When the Clover Flush Policy is set to "interval" or threaded this value is the minimum period between flush operations (in milliseconds). Default value is: 500.
generateHistorical boolean - Decide whether to generate a Clover historical report or not. Default value is: false.
generateHtml boolean - Decide whether to generate an HTML report or not. Default value is: true.
generateJson boolean - Decide whether to generate a JSON report or not. Default value is: false.
generatePdf boolean - Decide whether to generate a PDF report or not. Default value is: false.
generateXml boolean - Decide whether to generate a XML report or not. Default value is: true.
license String - (no description)
licenseLocation String - (no description)
localRepository ArtifactRepository - The local repository.
orderBy String - How to order coverage tables. Default value is: PcCoveredAsc.
reportDescriptor File - Use a custom report descriptor for generating your Clover Reports. The format for the configuration file is identical to an Ant build file which uses the <clover-report/> task. For a complete reference, please consult the clover-report documentation
repositories List - Remote repositories used for the project.
resolveReportDescriptor boolean - If set to true, the clover-report configuration file will be resolved as a versioned artifact by looking for it in your configured maven repositories - both remote and local. Default value is: false.
singleCloverDatabase boolean - If true, then a single database will be saved for the entire project, in the target directory of the execution root. If a custom location for the cloverDatabase is specified, this flag is ignored. Default value is: false.
span String - A span specifies the age of the coverage data that should be used when creating a report.
title String - Title of the report Default value is: ${} ${project.version}.
titleAnchor String - Title anchor of the report Default value is: ${project.url}.
waitForFlush boolean - If true we'll wait 2*flushInterval to ensure coverage data is flushed to the Clover database before running any query on it.

Note: The only use case where you would want to turn this off is if you're running your tests in a separate JVM. In that case the coverage data will be flushed by default upon the JVM shutdown and there would be no need to wait for the data to be flushed. As we can't control whether users want to fork their tests or not, we're offering this parameter to them.

Default value is: true.

Parameter Details


The charset to use in the html reports.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.charset}
  • Default: UTF-8


The location of the Clover database.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.cloverDatabase}


The location of the merged clover database to create when running a report in a multimodule build.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.cloverMergeDatabase}
  • Default: ${}/clover/cloverMerge.db


Comma or space separated list of Clover somesrcexcluded (block, statement or method filers) to exclude when generating coverage reports.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.contextFilters}


When the Clover Flush Policy is set to "interval" or threaded this value is the minimum period between flush operations (in milliseconds).

  • Type: int
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.flushInterval}
  • Default: 500


Decide whether to generate a Clover historical report or not.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.generateHistorical}
  • Default: false


Decide whether to generate an HTML report or not.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.generateHtml}
  • Default: true


Decide whether to generate a JSON report or not.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.generateJson}
  • Default: false


Decide whether to generate a PDF report or not.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.generatePdf}
  • Default: false


Decide whether to generate a XML report or not.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.generateXml}
  • Default: true


The location where historical Clover data will be saved.

Note: It's recommended to modify the location of this directory so that it points to a more permanent location as the ${} directory is erased when the project is cleaned.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.historyDir}
  • Default: ${}/clover/history


(no description)

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.license}


(no description)

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.licenseLocation}


The local repository.

  • Type: org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${localRepository}


How to order coverage tables.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.orderBy}
  • Default: PcCoveredAsc


The directory where the Clover report will be generated.

  • Type:
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.outputDirectory}
  • Default: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/clover


Use a custom report descriptor for generating your Clover Reports. The format for the configuration file is identical to an Ant build file which uses the <clover-report/> task. For a complete reference, please consult the clover-report documentation

  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.reportDescriptor}


Remote repositories used for the project.

  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${project.remoteArtifactRepositories}


If set to true, the clover-report configuration file will be resolved as a versioned artifact by looking for it in your configured maven repositories - both remote and local.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.resolveReportDescriptor}
  • Default: false


If true, then a single database will be saved for the entire project, in the target directory of the execution root. If a custom location for the cloverDatabase is specified, this flag is ignored.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.singleCloverDatabase}
  • Default: false


A span specifies the age of the coverage data that should be used when creating a report.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.span}


Title of the report

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.title}
  • Default: ${} ${project.version}


Title anchor of the report

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.titleAnchor}
  • Default: ${project.url}


If true we'll wait 2*flushInterval to ensure coverage data is flushed to the Clover database before running any query on it.

Note: The only use case where you would want to turn this off is if you're running your tests in a separate JVM. In that case the coverage data will be flushed by default upon the JVM shutdown and there would be no need to wait for the data to be flushed. As we can't control whether users want to fork their tests or not, we're offering this parameter to them.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${maven.clover.waitForFlush}
  • Default: true