Package com.atlassian.jira.util.collect

Interface Summary
CloseableIterator<E> For iterators that need to be closed after use.
EnclosedIterable<T> A limited collection view that may be backed by the something that needs closing, for example a connection to a database.
MultiMap<K,V,C extends Collection<V>>  
Sized Something that contains a number of items.

Class Summary
CloseableIterator.ListResolver<T> Utility class for transforming a EnclosedIterable into a List.
CollectionBuilder<T> Convenience class for creating collections (Set and List) instances or enclosed iterables.
CollectionEnclosedIterable<T> Simple collection based EnclosedIterable.
CollectionMap<K> Adapter that provides a Map where every key maps to itself.
EnclosedIterable.ListResolver<T> Utility class for transforming a EnclosedIterable into a List.
EnumerationIterator<E> Adaptor for turning an Enumeration into an Iterator.
IdentitySet<T> A Set implementation that considers objects equal if an only if they are the same instance.
IdentitySet.IdentityReference<T> Stores a reference to any Object.
IteratorEnumeration<E> Adaptor for turning an Iterator an into Enumeration.
ListOrderComparator<T> Compare objects based on their order in a supplied list.
LRUMap<K,V> A subclass of LinkedHashMap that is access ordered AND constrained in size.
MapBuilder<K,V> Utility for easily creating Maps of all standard types.
ResolvingComparator<I,O> Comparator that first resolves an input to an output type, and then delegates to a comparator of the output type.
Transformed Static factory for creating transformed Map, Set, and Iterator instances.

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