Package com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issueoperation

Interface Summary
ActionBackedPluggableIssueOperation An operation that defines an action URL and Simple description in order to provide a list of "Actions" that can be done on an issue.
PluggableIssueOperation A simple interface to add your own operations to JIRA via the plugin system.

Class Summary
AbstractActionBackedPluggableIssueOperation Abstract operation that allows the opertaions to define action URLs and Simple description in order to provide a list of "Actions" that can be done on an issue.
AbstractPluggableIssueOperation A very simple helper class that abstracts away the handling of the descriptor, and also provides a standard way of producing the cream bullet that most operations use.
DefaultPluggableIssueOperation A basic issue operation that should serve most purposes, just uses a Velocity view.
IssueOperationModuleDescriptor An issue operation plugin adds extra operations to JIRA's View Issue page.

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