Uses of Interface

Packages that use FieldEntryFactory

Uses of FieldEntryFactory in com.atlassian.greenhopper.web.rapid.issue.fields

Subinterfaces of FieldEntryFactory in com.atlassian.greenhopper.web.rapid.issue.fields
 interface ComplexEditableFieldEntryFactory
          A field which can be edited, but in contrast to SimpleEditableFieldEntryFactory, this field cannot just be updated using IssueUpdateService.
 interface SimpleEditableFieldEntryFactory
          A FieldEntryFactory which can be edited simply using JIRA's IssueService (but we actually use IssueUpdateService under the covers.
 interface SubTaskAwareFieldEntryFactory
          A field which needs to know about an issues sub-tasks in order to construct its view entry FieldEntry.

Classes in com.atlassian.greenhopper.web.rapid.issue.fields that implement FieldEntryFactory
 class AbstractAggregateRemainingEstimateFieldEntryFactory
          Abstract class representing the 'field' of an aggregate remaining estimate.
 class AbstractCustomFieldEntryFactory<T extends FieldEntry>
 class AffectedVersionsFieldEntryFactory
 class AggregateRemainingEstimateFieldEntryFactory
          A field to display the aggregate remaining estimate of an issue and its sub-tasks.
 class AssigneeFieldEntryFactory
 class ComponentsFieldEntryFactory
 class CreatedDateFieldEntryFactory
 class DefaultCustomFieldEntryFactory
 class DescriptionFieldEntryFactory
 class EpicLinkFieldEntryFactory
          Generates the FieldEntry for the epic label field.
 class EpicStatusFieldEntryFactory
          Epic Status Field Factory to allow us to inline edit the Epic Status
 class FixForVersionsFieldEntryFactory
 class IssueKeyFieldEntryFactory
 class IssueLinksSystemFieldEntryFactory
          Creates FieldEntry for the issue links system field.
 class LabelsCustomFieldEntryFactory
 class LabelsFieldEntryFactory
 class NumberCustomFieldEntryFactory
          Number custom fields.
 class OriginalEstimateFieldEntryFactory
 class ReadOnlyCustomFieldEntryFactory
          Abstract base class for custom field types to use the common valid / visble / applicable check.
 class ReadOnlyFieldEntryFactory
          Fields which are read-only do not need to implement the createEditEntry() method
 class ReadOnlySystemFieldEntryFactory
          Base class for system fields to check validity.
 class RemainingEstimateFieldEntryFactory
 class ReporterFieldEntryFactory
 class ResolutionDateFieldEntryFactory
          Creates an Issue Entry for ResolutionDateSystemField.
 class StatusFieldEntryFactory
 class SubTasksRemainingEstimateFieldEntryFactory
          A field to display the aggregate remaining estimate of an issue's sub-tasks, but not the issue itself.
 class SummaryFieldEntryFactory
 class SystemFieldEntryFactory
          Creates FieldEntry for system fields.
 class TextCustomFieldEntryFactory
          Text custom fields.
 class UpdatedDateFieldEntryFactory
 class VersionCustomFieldEntryFactory
 class VotesFieldEntryFactory

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