Interface ChangeHistoryCallback<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIssueHistoryStatusCallback, DaysInColumnCallback, FixVersionHistoryCallback, IssueColumnChangeCollector, IssueCycleTimeCollector

public interface ChangeHistoryCallback<T>

Generic callback for gathering change history information. When requesting a history, implementations will be called for every change that matches the given input. These calls are guaranteed to be in chronological order, but they are batched by value. This means that in practice, all changes for one value (e.g. one status or fix version) are returned before changes for the next value.

Method Summary
 void after(T value)
          Called after the change history for the given value has been processed, and before the next value will be processed.
 void before(T value)
          Called before the change history for the given value is processed
 void changedFrom(java.lang.Long issueId, java.lang.String issueKey, org.joda.time.DateTime changeTime, T value)
          Called for a change from a given previous value
 void changedTo(java.lang.Long issueId, java.lang.String issueKey, org.joda.time.DateTime changeTime, T value)
          Called for a change to a given new value

Method Detail


void changedTo(java.lang.Long issueId,
               java.lang.String issueKey,
               org.joda.time.DateTime changeTime,
               T value)
Called for a change to a given new value

changeTime - : time when the change was performed, in UTC
value - : the new value (e.g. Status or fix version ID) the issue has changed to


void changedFrom(java.lang.Long issueId,
                 java.lang.String issueKey,
                 org.joda.time.DateTime changeTime,
                 T value)
Called for a change from a given previous value

changeTime - : time when the change was performed, in UTC
value - : the old value the issue has changed from (e.g. old status or version ID)


void before(T value)
Called before the change history for the given value is processed


void after(T value)
Called after the change history for the given value has been processed, and before the next value will be processed.

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