Interface DaysAllocation

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public interface DaysAllocation

Encapsulates team allocation information. Once returned by the allocation service, this object should be self-contained and contain all information necessary to calculate guaranteed values. Note: This allocation might in fact contain zero working days and hours! Code using this object needs to handle this case appropriately! - all working days (at least one team member is working) for a given version/period / all non-working days (no team member works) - number of working hours per day for a given user/version/period - cumulative number of working hours per day for a given version/period - cumulative number of working hours for a given version/period

Method Summary
 org.joda.time.DateMidnight getEndDate()
          Contains the end day of the date range provide by this team allocation object
 org.joda.time.DateMidnight getStartDate()
          Contains the start date of the date range provided by this team allocation object
 java.util.List<org.joda.time.DateMidnight> getWorkingDays()
          Get all days where at least one team member is working
 int getWorkingDaysCount()
          Get the number of working days
 boolean hasWorkingDays()
          Returns whether this allocation object contains any working days
 boolean isWorkingDay(org.joda.time.DateMidnight day)
          Does the provided DateMidnight object represent a working day?

Method Detail


org.joda.time.DateMidnight getStartDate()
Contains the start date of the date range provided by this team allocation object

the start date. This is the same value as initially passed into the service to fetch the team allocation object


org.joda.time.DateMidnight getEndDate()
Contains the end day of the date range provide by this team allocation object

the end date. This is the same value as initially passed into the service to fetch the team allocation object


boolean hasWorkingDays()
Returns whether this allocation object contains any working days

true if at least one working day is contained, false otherwise


int getWorkingDaysCount()
Get the number of working days

the number of working days


boolean isWorkingDay(org.joda.time.DateMidnight day)
Does the provided DateMidnight object represent a working day?


java.util.List<org.joda.time.DateMidnight> getWorkingDays()
Get all days where at least one team member is working

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