Class WorkingDaysManagerImpl

  extended by com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.workingdays.WorkingDaysManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
GreenHopperCache, WorkingDaysManager

public class WorkingDaysManagerImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements WorkingDaysManager

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.workingdays.WorkingDaysManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ServiceOutcome<WorkingDaysConfig> copy(RapidView sourceRapidView, RapidView targetRapidView)
          Copies the configuration to a target board
 void delete(RapidViewAO rapidViewAO)
          Deletes all data associated with a given rapid view AO
 void flushCache()
          Invoked when all caches in the plugin need to be cleared.
 ServiceOutcome<WorkingDaysConfig> get(RapidView rapidView)
          Get the working days configuration for a rapid view
 void init()
 ServiceOutcome<WorkingDaysConfig> update(RapidView rapidView, WorkingDaysConfig workingDaysConfig)
          Update the working days configuration for a rapid view.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WorkingDaysManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public void init()


public void flushCache()
Description copied from interface: GreenHopperCache
Invoked when all caches in the plugin need to be cleared.

Specified by:
flushCache in interface GreenHopperCache


public ServiceOutcome<WorkingDaysConfig> get(RapidView rapidView)
Description copied from interface: WorkingDaysManager
Get the working days configuration for a rapid view

Specified by:
get in interface WorkingDaysManager


public ServiceOutcome<WorkingDaysConfig> update(RapidView rapidView,
                                                WorkingDaysConfig workingDaysConfig)
Description copied from interface: WorkingDaysManager
Update the working days configuration for a rapid view.

Specified by:
update in interface WorkingDaysManager


public ServiceOutcome<WorkingDaysConfig> copy(RapidView sourceRapidView,
                                              RapidView targetRapidView)
Description copied from interface: WorkingDaysManager
Copies the configuration to a target board

Specified by:
copy in interface WorkingDaysManager


public void delete(RapidViewAO rapidViewAO)
Description copied from interface: WorkingDaysManager
Deletes all data associated with a given rapid view AO

Specified by:
delete in interface WorkingDaysManager

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