Interface RankDao

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RankDao

Responsible for persisting and loading issue rank data from/to persistent storage

Method Summary
 void insert(java.lang.Long customFieldId, java.lang.Long issueId, java.lang.Long newNext, java.lang.Long newPrevious)
          Insert a new rank.
 void loadAll(java.lang.Long customFieldId, com.atlassian.jira.util.Consumer<IssueRankingAO> consumer)
          Loads all data for a given field into the provided consumer
 void move(java.lang.Long customFieldId, java.lang.Long issueId, java.lang.Long oldNext, java.lang.Long oldPrevious, java.lang.Long newNext, java.lang.Long newPrevious)
          Move a rank to a new position.
 void remove(java.lang.Long customFieldId, java.lang.Long issueId, java.lang.Long oldNext, java.lang.Long oldPrevious)
          Remove a rank.

Method Detail


void loadAll(java.lang.Long customFieldId,
             com.atlassian.jira.util.Consumer<IssueRankingAO> consumer)
Loads all data for a given field into the provided consumer

customFieldId - the ID of the rank custom field


void insert(java.lang.Long customFieldId,
            java.lang.Long issueId,
            java.lang.Long newNext,
            java.lang.Long newPrevious)
Insert a new rank. This involves two operations: wire the new previous and the issue => issue becomes child of new previous wire the new next and the issue => new next (former child of new previous) becomes child of issue

customFieldId - the ID of the rank custom field
issueId - : the issueId of the issue to insert
newNext - : the next issue from the new position, after the move. Can be null if moved to the last position.
newPrevious - : the previous issue from the new position, after the move. Can be null if moved to the first position.


void move(java.lang.Long customFieldId,
          java.lang.Long issueId,
          java.lang.Long oldNext,
          java.lang.Long oldPrevious,
          java.lang.Long newNext,
          java.lang.Long newPrevious)
Move a rank to a new position. This involves three operations: wire the old previous and next issues to fill the gap => old next becomes child of old previous wire the new previous and the issue => issue becomes child of new previous wire the new next and the issue => new next (former child of new previous) becomes child of issue

customFieldId - the ID of the rank custom field
issueId - : the issueId of the issue to move
oldNext - : the next issue from the former position, before the move. Can be null in case the last issue is moved.
oldPrevious - : the previous issue from the former position, before the move. Can be null in case the first issue is moved.
newNext - : the next issue from the new position, after the move. Can be null if moved to the last position.
newPrevious - : the previous issue from the new position, after the move. Can be null if moved to the first position.


void remove(java.lang.Long customFieldId,
            java.lang.Long issueId,
            java.lang.Long oldNext,
            java.lang.Long oldPrevious)
Remove a rank. This involves two operations: remove the issue wire the old previous and next issues to fill the gap => old next becomes child of old previous

customFieldId - the ID of the rank custom field
issueId - : the issueId of the issue to remove
oldNext - : the next issue from the former position, before the removal. Can be null in case the last issue is removed.
oldPrevious - : the previous issue from the former position, before the removal. Can be null in case the first issue is removed.

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