Class DetailViewFieldAOMapper

  extended by com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.AbstractAOMapper<DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>
      extended by com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.detailview.DetailViewFieldAOMapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
AOMapper<DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>, RelatedAOMapper<RapidViewAO,DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>

public class DetailViewFieldAOMapper
extends AbstractAOMapper<DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>
implements RelatedAOMapper<RapidViewAO,DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> toAO(DetailViewField detailViewField)
          Return a mapping of AO column names to values which will represent the domain object.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> toAO(RapidViewAO parent, DetailViewField detailViewField)
          Returns a map representation of the domain object, similar to AOMapper.toAO(Object) but also incorporating the parent record information.
 DetailViewField toModel(DetailViewFieldAO record)
          Constructs a (usually immutable) domain object from the AO record.
 void update(DetailViewField source, DetailViewFieldAO target)
          Copies fields from a domain object to the AO record representation.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.AbstractAOMapper
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DetailViewFieldAOMapper()
Method Detail


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> toAO(RapidViewAO parent,
                                                             DetailViewField detailViewField)
Description copied from interface: RelatedAOMapper
Returns a map representation of the domain object, similar to AOMapper.toAO(Object) but also incorporating the parent record information.

Specified by:
toAO in interface RelatedAOMapper<RapidViewAO,DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> toAO(DetailViewField detailViewField)
Description copied from interface: AOMapper
Return a mapping of AO column names to values which will represent the domain object.

The keys of the map must be the exact names of the columns as they will appear in AO. E.g. for a column fieldId the column name would be FIELD_ID.

Note: the ID (primary key) column does not need to be included. This is only used when persisting new domain objects to AO.

Specified by:
toAO in interface AOMapper<DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>
detailViewField - the new domain object
a map containing the columns and values


public DetailViewField toModel(DetailViewFieldAO record)
Description copied from interface: AOMapper
Constructs a (usually immutable) domain object from the AO record.

Specified by:
toModel in interface AOMapper<DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>
record - the record to use
the domain object


public void update(DetailViewField source,
                   DetailViewFieldAO target)
Description copied from interface: AOMapper
Copies fields from a domain object to the AO record representation. Note that the save() method must not be called.

Specified by:
update in interface AOMapper<DetailViewFieldAO,DetailViewField>
source - the domain object
target - the corresponding AO record

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