Interface GreenHopperCache

All Known Subinterfaces:
CardColorManager, ColumnService, DetailViewFieldManager, GreenHopperLicenseStore, LayoutsCache, QuickFilterService, RapidViewService, RemoteLinkConversationService, SprintManager, StatisticsFieldService, SubqueryService, SwimlaneService, UserBoardsPreferencesService, WorkingDaysManager, WorklogHistoryService
All Known Implementing Classes:
CardColorManagerImpl, ColumnServiceImpl, ConfigurationServiceImpl, DetailViewFieldManagerImpl, GreenHopperLicenseStoreImpl, LayoutsCacheImpl, QuickFilterServiceImpl, RankableObjectManager, RapidViewServiceImpl, RemoteLinkConversationServiceImpl, SprintManagerImpl, SprintMarkerManager, StatisticsFieldServiceImpl, SubqueryServiceImpl, SwimlaneServiceImpl, UserBoardsPreferencesServiceImpl, VersionMetaDataManagerImpl, WorkingDaysManagerImpl, WorklogHistoryServiceImpl

public interface GreenHopperCache

A consistent approach to marking managers/services which have caches that need to be flushed every now and then. There is a library called atlassian-cache that we could look at using in the future, but for now this will do.

Any service or manager which needs to cache things should implement this interface, so that when the GreenHopper plugin needs to be reloaded, the caches can be cleared.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void flushCache()
          Invoked when all caches in the plugin need to be cleared.

Method Detail


void flushCache()
Invoked when all caches in the plugin need to be cleared.

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