Package com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.epiclink

Class Summary
EpicLinkCFType A custom field type to allow GreenHopper to store extra information about the Epic-Issue relationship in the index.
EpicLinkClauseValidator Validate epic link field clauses.
EpicLinkCustomFieldIndexer Indexes the EpicLinkCFType fields.
EpicLinkEqualityQueryFactory Largely lifted from ActualValueEqualityQueryFactory.
EpicLinkHistoryData Data returned by the EpicLinkHistoryEntryFactory
EpicLinkHistoryEntry Represents an epic link entry, typically stored in lucene
EpicLinkHistoryEntryFactory Encapsulates the logic of creating epic history entries from either a lucene document or an issue
EpicLinkIssueEventListener Listens to issue events and updates the epic links for a given issue when the issue type changes
EpicLinkSearcher A searcher for EpicLinkCFType fields.
EpicLinkSearchInputTransformer Ensure the query is marked as too complex for simple mode if it contains epic link clauses

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