Package com.atlassian.greenhopper.web.rapid.list

Interface Summary
RapidIssueEntryCallbackComponent Allows splitting out pool callback functionality into separate components
RapidIssueEntryQueryService Queries issue entry objects.

Class Summary
CollectIssuesResult Result object returned by the RapidIssueEntry list queries
DaysInColumnCallback Collector to find out the total time an issue spent in the column it's currently in.
IssueIdHitCollector Lightweight FieldableDocumentHitCollector that only stores issue ids.
IssueIdVisitingHitCollector An extension of IssueIdHitCollector which also keeps track of issues which have already been collected.
RapidIssueEntryCallback Specialised data collector for pool issue data.
RapidIssueEntryQueryServiceImpl Provides calculation of swimlane contents functionality

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