Package com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.backlog

Interface Summary
BacklogCustomFieldService Service for operations on the Backlog custom field which links the GH backlog entities to JIRA issues.
BacklogHierarchyService Provides access to the Backlog hierarchy.
BacklogService Service for Backlog handling

Class Summary
BacklogCache Entity cache for backlog entities
BacklogDao Handles all database access for Backlog objects.
BacklogHierarchyServiceImpl This service takes the IDs stored through BacklogHierarchyDao and loads the respective backlog structures.
BacklogHitCollector Collector class that matches issue backlogid values to a set of Backlogs.
BacklogServiceImpl Service for handling all Backlog-related functionality

Exception Summary
BacklogStateInconsistenException This exception indicates that something is wrong with the state of the backlog structure.

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